Friday, May 31, 2013

Grand Illusions

2nd Corinthians chapter 10 can provide us with a reminder about how the devil will place thoughts in our minds, which can lead to "grand illusions", false scenarios, or as the Scripture puts it, "strongholds" that can get us off track in our lives:
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ...

We have to bring those deceptive thoughts under the submission of God's truth.   When the enemy tries to lure us to step outside what we know is right and to follow a path of selfishness, we have to replace the evil thoughts with words that bring life and peace.    When a lie pops into our consciousness, we have to have that working knowledge of God's Word and begin to think on that.  And, perhaps even speak it out loud for the sake of reinforcement.    Truth wins - and we overcome deception by taking hold of it and standing firm.

In John chapter 10, Jesus gives us some insight into His identity and His care for those who belong to Him:
10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. 11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.

If you have anything called C-Extract on your shelves, you may want to know that it's not what you think it is, and the lady who claims that it will cure cancer and other maladies is going to prison.   She's been sentenced to 14 years in federal prison. The base for her empire, according to the Orange County Register, was a "wellness center" with ever-changing names in Mission Hills.  

She was also ordered to forfeit nearly $1.2 million. When the then-licensed physician and ordained Pentecostal minister was arrested in LA in October 2009, she'd by then taken $1.1 million from 55 families over three years for her herbal "C-Extract."  She had apparently been marketing this stuff to Christians as some sort of miracle cure - from God.   Even the wife of a well-known minister had tried out the treatment.   At least six patients died over a six-month period.

And, her "brown sludge'' was actually made of suntan lotion and beef flavoring.

You know, many times something that seems too good to be true usually is.   And, apparently, there are plenty to go along for the ride when someone wants to cook up a scheme.   Just Google the word "scheme" in the news section of that website and you'll see page after page of deceptions, grand illusions that have been perpetrated on a sometimes unsuspecting public.   It's really sad - not only that there are those who would deceive, but that there are so many that become victims of these hucksters.

The enemy will promise us power, control, material possessions, and more if we just go outside the boundaries that God has set for us.   When he tempted Jesus, he offered the Son of God control of the world if He would just fall down and worship Him - of course, the world and everything in it is already under God's dominion.    But, that's the real deception - if we depend on God, He promises all we need for life and godliness, but the enemy, through the power of deception, tries to lure us to seek what only God can give.   But, if we are not satisfied with the Lord's provision for us, then we become vulnerable to being led astray by the schemes of the devil.

He will create grand illusions for us - through the power of imagination and concocting scenarios in the recesses of our mind, we begin to act in a manner that doesn't exhibit a trust in Christ.   If we latch on to those destructive suggestions and fail to stand on God's principles, then we walk outside of the will of God.   God has a plan for our lives - to follow Christ and be saved, to enjoy His abundant life.   And, Satan has a plan for you, too - to steal, kill, and destroy.   Illusory thought patterns is a principal device that he uses to get us off track.   God gives us the strength to know the truth and stand against deception.

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