Friday, May 3, 2013

Something in the Air!

There is a battle going on all around us, as spiritual forces are at work, waging war for supremacy.  Ephesians 2 says:
(1) you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, 2 in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, We have to look beyond ourselves and recognize the influence of these forces, and realize that we have powerful weapons in order to combat evil.   Greater is He who is in us than He that is in the world.   We all have access to God's power, and as we pray, we release that power into the heavenlies to thwart the work of the enemy.   Multitudes did it yesterday on the National Day of Prayer, and we trust that observance would rekindle an awareness in our hearts that we need to pray, great things happen when we pray, and the trajectory of our nation's morality can be dramatically altered as we pray.   Thousands united together beyond the finite realm of time and space to compose one large prayer army that can bring dramatic change.

In Ephesians 6, we get a sense of the "big picture" regarding not only the spiritual forces that are present with us each day, but the amazing power of God that we can access each day as we engage in this spiritual warfare:
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

According to the National Day of Prayer website, there was a concentrated effort for planes to fly over every single state capital in America in observance of the day.   Just weeks ago, it was announced that a group of pilots called PrayerFlight would provide 100% coverage for their “50 Capitals” National Day of Prayer – PrayerFlight.

The post said that:
More than any time before, our nation needs prayer. As our Mission Verse proclaims, we depend on God to heal our land for in fact there is no other way...
God has continued to work expanding this ‘prayer in the air’. Reports each year from participants have reflected that this aerial view of schools to workplaces, transportation routes to churches, military bases to capitols, neighborhoods and more provided heightened awareness of the array of needs in each place. When I flew with Colorado Prayer Flight several years ago, I felt the Lord directing our prayers as we flew over our capitol, the Denver Mint, downtown metro skyline, universities and then back over rural lands of ranches, forests and fields. Elevation can help bridge the gap between our micro view and God’s complete perspective.

I like that thought about elevation.   So often we get caught in that earthly perspective and we lose out on getting a sense of the big picture.

But, this notion of prayer flights also reminds us that prayer is multi-dimensional.   While members of the Faith Radio team were "spanning the globe" yesterday, in a single instance, on location in 3 cities in our coverage area, we were part of prayer gatherings across America that were offering petitions to our God.  Our prayers and their effectiveness are not bound by physical location. 

And, the Bible reminds us that we are engaged in spiritual warfare in the air.   Our unity as believers crying out to God is not limited to physical location; indeed, we are engaged in an activity that transcends space and time.  

In radio, we also have the opportunity, through the airwaves, to communicate God's truth and presence - and last night, all around the country on 500 radio stations, those various stations could help to facilitate spiritual unity and effective prayer through the OneCry Prayer Summit.   That was huge in a national sense, and daily we reflect on how listeners from Chilton County to I-10, from Selma to Opelika, can all be hearing the same message and being strengthened in their spiritual lives.   I am thankful that I can participate in God's unlimited methodology of uniting and strengthening His people.

We are part of a bigger picture and we serve a multidimensional God, who is not limited in His power and greatness, who calls us to partner with Him in prayer, a powerful tool that He will use to change hearts, and something we desperately need to change a nation that is drifting off course from the foundational principles upon which it was founded.  

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