Friday, June 7, 2013

There Has to Be an Explanation

Psalm 91 reminds us that we are under the care of Almighty God, and He is working in our lives, sometimes in ways we cannot see or understand, but that we can know spiritually:
1He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.2I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust."3Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler And from the perilous pestilence.4He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

The imagery that the Psalmist uses here is powerful and illustrates for us that we held in the everlasting arms of Almighty God - we are covered by His feathers, in His wings, grounded in His truth, our shield and buckler.  Now, of course, these are not tangible entities - and that's the point; God works in the realm of the intangible, the supernatural, and His word uses powerful imagery to help us understand that power and the presence of the Almighty.   Even though we do not or cannot see Him, we can still discern the evidence of His hand and attribute events in our lives to the provision and power of the Lord.    He is with us, and He has made it possible to experience His presence daily.

Hebrews 11:1 is a cornerstone Scripture verse, giving us insight into the operation of God and our response to Him by faith:
1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Verse 3 reminds us that God operates in the supernatural realm, and often we may not can see His work, or it will not be discernable to our 5 sense, but through our spiritual sensitivity, we can know that it is He that is present.
3 By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.

For the past three days, there has been plenty of speculation in the Huntsville area about a large blob that appeared on radar near Redstone Arsenal on Tuesday afternoon, but could not be seen by the naked eye.
According to, The plume was spread nearly 10 miles wide and a mile high, and lasted for nine hours.   It showed up on different radar screens and was apparently not weather-related.

Well, the mystery began to be solved as people came forward with reports of a white, feathery, fiberglass substance found on the ground in an area near the Arsenal.   And, indeed, the Army began to provide some information with a general statement on Wednesday afternoon. That was made more clear yesterday as officials admitted that the radar blob was caused by the presence of "chaff" which was being used in testing.   This material consists of reflective particles designed to help aircraft avoid detection by military radar.   The statement said that, "This RR-188 (chaff) showed as an anomaly on local weather screens as weather conditions caused it to linger longer than normal."

This instance reminded me that we would like to think that there is always an explanation for what we see, hear, or experience.   And, in the supernatural realm, we admit that there are events that occur that turn our heads and challenge our minds, and ultimately, we can say that it is the work of unseen forces.  We believe that faith is the evidence of things not seen.   We believe that Godly wisdom can help us to interpret what we do not understand.  

When we see things that we can't explain away, then we can recognize that perhaps God is at work in answer to our prayers...or He is just working in and around our lives to show Himself faithful and teach us more about Himself.    While it is a human tendency to try to figure out what is miraculous, sometimes we have to be spiritually astute and attribute amazing occurrences in our lives to a God who cares and who is executing His sovereign plan perfectly.

We also admit that evil is present in the world, and Ephesians 6 reminds us that we are to put on the armor of God and recognize that we are facing evil forces that are working in order to destroy.   We have to appropriate the resources that God has provided, so that we can be ready to face the thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy.   But, we also know we have powerful allies who work with us at the direction of God - angels, who are called ministering spirits who are sent for our aid and His good.

We have been placed in this world amidst unseen forces.   And, the faith in which we grow helps us to make the connection between the events that occur and what is behind them.   We can learn to identify those "God-moments" in our lives - perhaps when you narrowly miss an automobile accident or encounter an escape from danger - He rescued you, and that could have been an instance of an angelic intervention.  Or, you may have seen the Lord work to strengthen you in a difficult relationship instance.   Maybe you've experienced healing for which there is no explanation, and the medical professionals have seen a dramatic change that is beyond the realm of human comprehension.   I think that the Lord is intervening in our lives more than we admit - think about it, and acknowledge the miracle-working God, great and mighty, presiding over the entire universe, and devoted to expressing His love and power in the lives of His children.

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