Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Sometimes You Just Have to Do Something

In James 1, we read these words of admonition:
22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror;
24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was.
25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.

Who we are - in Christ - will determine what we do.  That's why we have to look into the Word consistently so that we will find out who God has made us to be.  And, if we are convinced that we are children of God, recreated in the image of Christ for His glory, that will result in fruit that will be produced through our lives.  I believe that God is directing our steps, and we have to be so intent to listen to Him, so that we will be strategically in the right position to accomplish what He has ordained.

In Ephesians 5, we read a passage of Scripture that can direct and inspire us to follow God's strategy
for us:
15 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise,
16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
17 Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

Verse 16 in the New Living Translation says, "Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days."

Football fans of the Auburn variety definitely have reason to be concerned, yet relieved, not only after the last-minute securing of a victory over LSU on the field Saturday night, but because of the bizarre event that occurred at the famous Toomer's Corner following the game.

After the customary "rolling" of the site with toilet paper after a Tigers victory, one of the large oak trees, which had been planted to replace those that had been poisoned several years ago, was burning. And, the apparent perpetrator was identified at the scene.

That's when Herron Taylor swung into action.  According to WTVM television, Herron, a junior at Auburn was at the corner and actually watched the man light a piece of the toilet paper that was hanging from the tree, Taylor took action. She is quoted as saying, "My first thought was to get the tree, I have to put out the fire." She said, "I kind of realized I cannot do anything about that and my boyfriend was saying, 'we have to get the guy.' So I turned around the guy was there and I confronted him."

She continued: "I was screaming, running after him saying, 'this is the guy that lit the fire,'" adding, "At that point, the tree had already been engulfed in flames, so a bunch of guys around me tackled him to the ground and started beating him up."

The suspect is a 29-year-old Auburn resident named Jochen Wiest.  His future looks a bit clouded. The Plainsman reports: "An arrest warrant charging Wiest with criminal mischief first degree was executed on him while he was being held in the Lee County Jail on prior charges of public intoxication and desecration of a venerated object."

The future of the tree is clouded, as well. Gary Keever of the university is quoted by the television station: "The full extent of the damage won’t be known for several days to several weeks, and perhaps not until we see regrowth in spring. Based on the initial appearance of the tree, I don’t think the fire has killed the tree; however, aesthetic death, when the tree declines to such an extent that it detracts from the landscape and there is little chance of it returning to its full grandeur, may warrant consideration of removal as a result of this act, but it is premature to discuss removal."

You know, sometimes you just have to do something!  That's what this Auburn student did in the thick of a chaotic incident.  There's a 22-year-old woman in Texas that also took brave action related to a fire.  

The website reported about a woman whom it says "is being called a hero after running into a house fire and bringing a 7-year-old boy to safety." A fire started in a backyard shed. A neighbor, Mariella Medina, reportedly saw the fire, which had started near a backyard shed, and called 9-1-1, talking to the dispatcher while running down the street.  A dispatcher warned her not to go inside the burning house, but she said, "There's a kid inside. That's honestly the only thing that goes through your head."

She had encountered the mother, whom she did not know, who told her the young boy was still in the house. Medina went into the bedroom and helped the scared child out. She says she has no regrets: "The main priority is getting someone out. You don't have to know somebody to want to help them."

Again, sometimes you just have to do something!

And, you may be strategically placed in a situation to be that rescuer, or that hero, if you will - not that anyone would seek to be a hero!   That's why we have to make sure we are spiritually alert, not only open to the leadership of the Holy Spirit to direct our steps, but to direct His power to perform the will of God in a particular set of circumstances.

Rescue may take different forms.  Maybe physical - such as the Auburn student who identified someone who had committed a destructive act and helped to chase him down.  Or the Texas woman who went into a burning house to save a 7-year-old boy whom she did not know.  Or, in a ministry sense, you could be used to help meet the physical needs of another.  Rescue could be spiritual - being in a position to provide Biblical direction to a person in a time of need, to plant the seed of the gospel in the heart of an unbeliever, or even to lead someone to Christ.

We are purveyors of hope in Christ.  And, that hope, with the motivation of the Holy Spirit, will result in us being available to be used by Him in any situation.  The Bible instructs us to maximize our opportunities.   God will show us how and empower us to fulfill His will as He guides us.

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