Friday, September 8, 2017

Abortion and Race

We are called to walk in the light, which involves demonstrating the character of Christ and speaking
His truth, which will expose darkness and deception. Ephesians 5 says:
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
12 For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.
13 But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.

We live in a world that is especially vulnerable to deception.  Because we as a culture no longer have our moorings in truth rooted in the Bible, people do, as the Bible says, "what is right in their own eyes."  They make up truth for themselves or they do not hold to the authority of Scripture and allow it to govern their thoughts and actions.  This leads to a weak foundation, widespread confusion, and harmful actions.  We have to make sure we are walking in Christ's light and that we continue to stay true to His standards.


Every life that has been conceived has the mark of God upon him or her; every life has potential, and
reflects the image of our Creator. Psalm 139 states:
14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.

On Wednesday's Front Room commentary, I referred to the work of the Radiance Foundation, which has released a list of reasons why Planned Parenthood, the nation's #1 abortion provider, should not be allowed access to students in schools.  One of those reasons I cited: they fail minorities.  I quoted from Foundation co-founder Ryan Bomberger, who wrote about more African-American babies being aborted in New York City than actually being born and how the black abortion rate is five times greater than whites and twice as high as Hispanics.

While the attention on NFL players and the expression of political views has centered on responses to the National Anthem, one particular player, who has become well-known for his views on race and racial reconciliation, has stepped out to condemn the actions of Planned Parenthood.

It's former Meeting House guest Benjamin Watson of the Baltimore Ravens.  An article on the Life Site News website relates his words:
“I do know that blacks kind of represent a large portion of the abortions, and I do know that honestly the whole idea with Planned Parenthood and Sanger in the past was to exterminate blacks," said Benjamin Watson, a tight end for the Baltimore Ravens, in an interview with the Turning Point Pregnant Resource Center in San Diego. “And it’s kind of ironic that it’s working.”
The article goes on to say:
It was not the first time Watson weighed in on controversial issue. He called for calm after the Baltimore riots and addressed abortion in the past, as well.
Last July, he weighed in on the Planned Parenthood videos, writing on Facebook, “As horrific as it is, the issue isn't really the sale of human parts. It's the legal practice that allows this to even be a possibility. Killing children and simply discarding the leftovers is not any more acceptable than profiting off of them.”
Watson faced some backlash for his latest comments, although few disputed Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s ideological support for eugenics. She founded the “Negro Project,” hiring black preachers to convince their congregations to take birth control or get sterilized. Sanger wrote at one point that all citizens should be required to obtain a “birth permit” from the government before giving birth.
And, the Daily Wire reported that after Watson made his comments, "...former NFL coach Tony Dungy applauded pro-life crusader and NFL player Benjamin Watson for 'speaking the truth' about abortion, and then refused to back down when criticized for his support of the pro-life cause.

Watson serves on the advisory board of the Human Coalition, along with former NFL players Chad Hennings and Tunch Ilkin.  Tony Evans serves on that board, and Jonathan Pitts, Executive Director of the Urban Alternative, the ministry of Dr. Evans, is on the Board of Directors.

The coalition is led by Brian Fisher, the Co-Founder and President.  He and Watson teamed up for a piece on abortion and racism on the organization's website.  It states:
Unfortunately, for as much coverage as the media has given to the social injustice of racism, they have completely ignored the most prolific result of racism in modern-day America: abortion.
The article continues:
Abortion is the leading cause of death among black Americans and the ultimate form of racism, yet it is rarely a part of the national conversation on racism.
If we are to honestly and openly address racial injustice, then we must speak out against the abortion industry that is targeting our black and minority neighborhoods. While we are losing men and women to police brutality, the reality is that every day we are losing thousands of our children—our future—to an industry that from its earliest founding sought to “weed out the undesirables.”
The staggering rate of abortion within the black community is difficult to digest and discuss. But we cannot legitimately advocate for social justice for African Americans while sweeping the reality of abortion under the rug. It must be brought to light.
This is an important issue - and something that needs to be part of the national conversation on race. Kudos to Watson and others who are speaking out about the roots of Planned Parenthood and the role that it and those who support it have played in the enormous loss of life in the African-American community.

The statistics show that blacks are being targeted by the abortion providers.  As Watson and Fisher write, "Out of all Planned Parenthood surgical abortion facilities, 79% are located in or within walking distance of minority communities."  That is insidiously transparent, and very wrong.  And, one further statistic from these two gentlemen: "There were 285 African Americans killed in police-related incidents in America during 2015. However, more blacks are killed every day in America by abortion."

Again, the founder of Planned Parenthood was intent on exterminating African-Americans and deceived leaders in that community - it is important that our culture exposes these egregious lies and have a frank discussion, with corresponding action, about preserving the lives of the pre-born.

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