Monday, September 18, 2017

Generating Kindness

Our internal faith will express itself through external action. 2nd Peter 1 traces this progression:
5 But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge,
6 to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness,
7 to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love.
8 For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In verse 5, he writes, "for this very reason," which you can trace back to the preceding verses, which mention our being "partakers of the divine nature."  Because we are in Christ, we have the capacity to walk in His ways and to develop characteristics that are consistent with the new identity that He has created in our lives through salvation.  As we participate in acts of kindness, we grow in the love of God - the love that motivates us to be a tangible expression of the presence of God in us.


Romans 12 instructs us to act in love, walking and communicating with the love of Christ:
9 Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.
10 Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another...

Perhaps you've already heard or been touched by the heartwarming story out of Orlando as Hurricane Irma churned toward an almost-certain assault on the state of Florida - the encounter occurred in a Lowe's store in Orlando.  Pam Brekke was shopping for a generator; she was especially concerned about her father-in-law, who is 87 years old, has congestive heart failure, and is dependent on oxygen at night.  The story was told by WFTV television in Orlando.

That day, there was one generator left, and Pam was not able to secure it; another customer was prepared to purchase it when he, Ramon Santiago, displayed kindness toward her and allowed her to take the generator he was prepared to buy.

The television station website states:
Santiago’s family did not lose power long enough to use the generator Lowe’s gave him for free when his act of generosity went viral.
At Brekke’s home, the lights stayed on and the generator Santiago gave her is still in the box.
They are relieved and proud of their roles in a moment that moved so many.
“Be kind to your neighbor. That’s what God wants us to do,” said Brekke. “We showed there is still goodness and love in the world.”
And, last week, Ramon and Pam met again and hugged - at the upholstery business where she works.

The Blaze website had a story on the reunion, and the initial encounter.  It states that...
...Santiago, who doesn’t speak English well, approached Brekke and asked her what was wrong.
“I told him, ‘I’m just scared this storm’s coming and my father’s on oxygen. I’m just scared,’” Brekke told the Washington Post. “And I said, ‘That’s all right, God will provide.’ And then I turned to walk away. Then he stopped me. And he said ‘Ma’am, this generator’s for you. … You take it. You need it more than I do.’”
What an amazing story of generosity!  And, I'm glad it's been making news.  There is certainly a faith element - actually, more than one.

Pam Brekke said that the encounter showed "there is still goodness and love in the world," saying that God wants us to be kind to one another.  The Bible speaks of kindness and selflessness, qualities that were certainly on display.  We can be encouraged to think about the power of kindness.  Kindness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, and we are challenged to be kind to each other.  Christians should be leading the way when it comes to showing kindness and compassion toward others.

There's another element here that you pick up on - Pam is someone who can challenge us to be spiritually-minded.  Even though it looked as if the last generator was about to be gone from the store, she stated that "God will provide."  Other news stories relate that she saw Ramon as an "angel" whom God would bless.  I think we can develop the spiritual sensitivity to see that God is at work.  And, even when things may look desperate, we can think about God's faithfulness and provision and hold on to Him with unwavering faith.

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