Monday, October 16, 2017


The apostle Paul accepted the call of God on His life and the purpose that the Lord had intended for
him even before Paul was born. Galatians 1 states:
15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb and called me through His grace,
16 to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood,
17 nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went to Arabia, and returned again to Damascus.
18 Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and remained with him fifteen days.

And, that's what God wants to do through each of us - to reveal His Son.  He wants us to coming into a saving knowledge of Himself so that the nature of Christ might be displayed in our lives.  There are those who would deny the hand of God on them and reject His design, even to the extent that they identify as a gender other than the one that He has created for a person. We recognize that He has formed us; that we are, as Psalm 139 states, "fearfully and wonderfully made."  Who are we to attempt to override His design and try to alter His purposes?


God is our creator, and each human being is created in His image; we bear His mark, we reflect His
image. Isaiah 44 says this:
24 Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, And He who formed you from the womb: "I am the Lord, who makes all things, Who stretches out the heavens all alone, Who spreads abroad the earth by Myself...

There are those who have been duped by the promise of a new gender identity are expressing regrets for what they have done to themselves.  That's according to a piece on the Liberty Counsel website quoting from a story on The Telegraph site.

The Liberty Counsel story states:
Professor Miroslav Djordjevic has seen a high number of “transgender” people who have undergone sex-change surgeries later express regrets and experience crippling depression and suicidal thoughts. Djordjevic cites two reasons: a lack of robust research on the topic and a lack of psychiatric evaluation and counseling before the surgeries.
Djordjevic requires a year of psychiatric evaluation, followed by hormone therapy and evaluation. The professor also notes that the age of his patients has dropped - he will not perform the surgery on anyone under 18.

A psychotherapist in England named James Caspian attempted to do research on what has been termed, "detransitioning," but, as the story says: "his proposal was rejected after his preliminary findings revealed that an increase of young people, particularly women, were regretting 'gender reassignment surgery,' according to The Guardian."

Walt Heyer attempted to fix his gender dysphoria through gender reassignment surgery. The good news is that, "after he experienced restoration and healing from a relationship with Jesus Christ, Heyer reverted back to his biological gender as a man." He's quoted as saying, "I see the tragic consequences of polices to expand gender/sex beyond male and female, in the desperate letters I receive from those who regret gender transitioning and from the families of those who are still caught in the transgender delusion...”

As the story says:
Liberty Counsel has been instrumental in defeating proposed laws in numerous states which sought to prohibit counselors – including pastors, teachers, and parents – from providing counsel to any minor (including a parent’s own child) about the child’s unwanted same-sex attractions or gender confusion.
Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, says, “To suggest that people can change their sex like they change clothes or dye their hair is dangerous,” adding, “People’s discontentment with their birth sex cannot be solved by hormones and body mutilation..."

We can always take efforts to improve ourselves, but I believe that gender is a non-negotiable element of our lives.  The Bible teaches us that we have been created by God with certain biology - male or female.  Now, that's not to say we cannot or should not take medical steps to correct certain irregularities, but it is outright dangerous to try to change our God-given gender.  And, as this story suggests, we are seeing people who have now expressed regrets for their efforts to alter what God has not intended to be altered.  Attempting to identify as another gender is denying His design.

But, what He does intend to be altered is the condition of our hearts.  While we can be satisfied with certain aspects of our human identity, especially concerning physical characteristics, we should seek to find our true identity in Christ and depend on Him to conform us to His will through salvation and the sanctification process.

We are uniquely created by God; fearfully and wonderfully made - and through the presence of Christ, He can take the canvas of our lives and infuse each of us with His Spirit, His nature, so that we become who He wants us to be.  We are vessels crafted by Him, designed to be filled with His Spirit, so that He might be glorified.

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