Tuesday, October 3, 2017


In times when we seek clarity and security, we know we can come before the Lord and experience
His presence and His peace. Psalm 16 reminds us:
7 I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; My heart also instructs me in the night seasons.
8 I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.
9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope.

We live in an age of uncertainty and an era of fear.  But, for times like these and throughout the eons of human history, a loving God has made Himself available to His human creations.  He even put on flesh, experience life on this earth, and came through victoriously, to the extent that Jesus died and rose from the dead - that is a picture of hope, a picture of triumph, a portrait of the certainty of God's love and His salvation that can sustain us when we encounter trouble personally or when we see it played out before us.


In 2nd Corinthians 1, Paul describes the comfort that is available through God. He writes about steadfast hope in the midst of suffering:
5 For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ.
6 Now if we are afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effective for enduring the same sufferings which we also suffer. Or if we are comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation.
7 And our hope for you is steadfast, because we know that as you are partakers of the sufferings, so also you will partake of the consolation.

It is unclear why an accountant and a gambler turned a 32nd-floor suite in the Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas as a launch pad for terror, unleashing a barrage of bullets which eventually killed just under 60 people and injured over 500 more.  The shooter's brother told media that he never saw it coming - it was a total shock.  And, the thousands gathered in the concert venue had no idea what those sounds were - the sounds of gunfire - or where they were coming from.  Truly terrifying!

But, while there has been a lack of clarity as to the motive for the crime, there is no lack of clarity where people who have been shaken can go to find hope.  And, it's encouraging to see how local churches in Las Vegas have swung into action.

Religion News Service reported on the response by Hope Church, pastored by Alabama native Vance Pitman.  The article described practical steps that the church took:
  • The church called in all of its 15 pastors to be on hand as it opened its doors as a safe space for prayer and counseling, and, if needed, a shelter for anyone dislocated as a result of the shooting at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.
  • It urged its members to donate blood and worked to get a mobile blood unit on the church grounds to help with the effort.
  • Pitman had several phone conversations with police and other law enforcement officials to let chaplains and officers know the church was ready, willing and able to provide physical and emotional support to anyone in need.
Pitman is quoted as saying, “We believe the church is to serve the city,” adding, “That’s why the church exists.” Pitman sees the shooting as an "opportunity for the church to shine the love and light of Jesus and his gospel."

He plans to speak this weekend on where God is in all of this.  A preview, according to the article:
“In moments like this, the natural tendency is to run from God. But we think this is the opportunity to run to him. Scripture says God is a refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble (Psalm 46:1). We think this is an opportunity for people to run to the Lord and to find shelter and peace and comfort and strength in Him."
Last night, the church held a prayer meeting. After it, Pastor Pitman tweeted out:
Incredible prayer gathering @HopeChurchLV! God’s people prayed. Lost people got saved. Lives were changed. God is on the move.
Central Church in Henderson, near Las Vegas, held a prayer meeting last night, as well, which was streamed on the Internet.  Its pastor, Jud Wilhite, whom I have interviewed in the past, put on Instagram:
Powerful night of prayer and worship for the city of Las Vegas. Thankful to call this city and @centralonline home...
He also posted:
Thanks to all who came out to pray for victims, families, first responders & our city. Thanks for the outpouring of love and support all day long from around the world. We feel it, and we love you!
So, how can we pray?  The Presidential Prayer Team posted some general prayer points and is
planning updates, as well. The website encourages people to pray...
For the victims and families in Las Vegas as they face unimaginable grief.
For the police, medical personnel, and other first responders as they continue to work tirelessly to help save lives.
For the nation, that we would rise to the call of unity and come together in this time of need.
For President Trump as he leads the nation in action and in prayer.
So, for us today, we can be reminded to pray - to pray for the situation on the ground in Nevada.  We recognize that much is unclear surrounding this unspeakable act, and there may be a lack of clarity about long-lasting medical effects; perhaps some will not live through the ordeal.  But, one thing of which we can be assured in our travail: we can go to the Lord and find clarity and comfort.  Perhaps not all the answers concerning pain and suffering and the operation of evil.  But, He will give us a solid foundation upon which we can anchor our lives in the throes of uncertainty.

As Pastor Pitman related, the Scripture tells us that God is our refuge and strength.  And, He expresses that sense of refuge through His people, the body of Christ - the Church.  That is why is it so encouraging to see churches open their doors so that people can find refuge, so they can connect with strength that is beyond themselves.  Through our obedience to the Spirit, we can become ministers of comfort in the darkest hour, and find the hope and strength we need when we face desperate times.

Finally, we know that there is so much evil in the world, and that the enemy is roaming about like a roaring lion - his agenda is destruction; God's agenda is restoration.  He wants people to experience Him through a saving knowledge of Christ.  In an age of uncertainty and fear, we can be grounded in the gospel and secure in our Savior.

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