Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Bible Into Battle

We are engaged in a spiritual war, with a clear enemy; and the Bible gives us instruction regarding how we are equipped. In describing the full armor of God in Ephesians 6, Paul writes:
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints--
19 and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel...

The Word of God is described as the "sword of the Spirit."  We have the defensive pieces accessible to us, and God's Word enables us to go on offense, to be bold, to walk in triumph over the power of the enemy.  And, as we wear the armor, we know that we can draw strength from prayer, which is mentioned in verse 18.  We can make sure that we recognize the battle at hand and how Satan is using deception and distraction to defeat us.  Rather than give in, we can give ourselves over and utilize what God has provided in order that we may experience His victory.


In 2nd Timothy 4, as Paul is nearing the end of his life, he is pouring encouragement from his life and experience into Timothy. We can read:
5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
6 For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand.
7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Recently, the events of D-Day were commemorated - a dramatic offensive, a turning point in World War II, as Allied troops went ashore to confront the German army at Normandy.  And, with the 75th anniversary of this event, it provided an opportunity to reflect on stories of bravery, dedication, and surrender.

Out of the 20,000 American troops who lost their lives during that time period from D-Day to mid-August, according to Faithwire, there were two brothers from Bedford, Virginia.  The article states:
Raymond and Bedford Hoback were some of the first soldiers to land on Dog Green sector, Omaha Beach with A Company, 116th Infantry Regiment. Their likelihood of survival, under the bombardment of German heavy machine guns, was minimal.
“They were the first to go in and I guess they just really didn’t have a chance, because I guess from what we heard the Germans were there and they were just mowing them down as they hit the beach,” Lucille Hoback Boggess, the brothers’ younger sister, told NBC 10.
After the word had come about the loss of the brothers, there was another message: a Bible belonging to Raymond came in the mail, accompanied by a letter from a fellow soldier. It read: “I was walking along the beach D-Day plus one. I came upon the Bible and as most any person would do I picked it up..."

The article continues:
The letter and Bible are just some of the prized keepsakes that Lucille continues to store in an old briefcase to this day, as a way to honor and remember her fallen brothers.
“My mother always treasured the Bible and I have it now, because she said next to Raymond she would have wanted his Bible,” Boggess added.
“We have a part of him, the last thing he probably held on to was the Bible.”
For Raymond Hoback, the Bible was part of the supplies that he carried into battle at Omaha Beach that day.  One can only wonder if during the time of intense assault and conflict, if he turned to God's Word to give him strength.  What we can know is that in the battles we encounter, we can rely on God's Word to provide strength for us.  His Word provides wisdom and encouragement to be able to navigate the struggles of this life.

The Word of God is a battle plan for the believer.  The Bible is described in Ephesians 6 as the "sword of the Spirit."  The enemy's power and proclamations are no match for the truth that is contained in the Scriptures.  We don't need to go into battle without this extraordinary tool.

In the thick of battle, we need to possess mental toughness - there may be difficult decisions that we will be called upon to make.  Through the Word of God, we can renew our minds, we can align our thinking with the principles of God and be able to incorporate His ways into the way we operate. With humility and strength, we can release the power of God through the words He has spoken.

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