Friday, June 14, 2019

Screaming YES

I want to lift out several verses in succession from Colossians 3, beginning with verse 17, that says:
17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

Then, Paul begins to outline principles for interpersonal relationships that glorify God, including the next two verses:
18 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
19 Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them.

Then, I want to skip down to verse 23: "And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men..."

Our marriages are intended to reflect the relationship of Christ to His Church, His bride, according to Ephesians chapter 5.  Husbands and wives are called to lay down our lives for one another, to be united in love and in humility, serving each other so that Christ can be glorified.  Our marriages are intended to be gifts from God, and He has wonderful plans for a couple united in His love and devoted to bringing Him honor and honoring one another.


Marriage is intended by the Lord to be a precious gift to us, and our spouses are gifts from God.  And, there is a responsibility that we have in order that marriage may reflect God's glory.  Ephesians 5 states:
31 "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh."
32 This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
33 Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

June is a month that is commonly characterized by weddings, and while the wedding ceremony likely will not take place next June, Duck Dynasty's Sadie Robertson did accept a proposal of marriage from boyfriend Christian Huff recently.

And, while the fact that she is famous attracted quite a bit of attention to her engagement, those following her life journey will also recognize that there was a strong faith element to this occasion.  A Faithwire story reported that, in reference to a Instagram video, she wrote:
“I screamed YES,” she wrote in the video’s caption. “So many words and so many more pictures to come, but for now, just know, my friends, I’m the happiest human in the world on June 9th, 2019, today, and for the rest of my life. I GET TO MARRY THIS MAN. God is faithful and so, so good.”
The article adds that:
Like Sadie, Huff, who is from Los Angeles, is a believer. The 19-year-old often posts Scripture passages to his Instagram account, and his bio reads, “If it breaks God’s heart, why do you think it will fulfill yours?”
Christian, for his part, also gave glory to God - on his Instagram feed, he wrote: "wow wow wow wow wow wow (that's 6 of them), "best day of my life that i really don’t know how to put it into words other than that I’m so thankful for the lords provision." He also wrote, "I love you more than words and i love getting to celebrate who God created you to be," adding, "You are captivating beyond words my love. Cheers to a lifetime of self sacrificial love with the lord being at the center of everything we do. 'If God is for us, then who could ever be against us?'"

And, Sadie's mom and dad are seemingly happy to welcome Christian to the family.  Faithwire states:
Korie Robertson, Sadie’s mom, congratulated the couple with an Instagram post of her own. She described Huff as “the most amazing man,” noting she and Sadie’s dad, Willie Robertson, the CEO of Duck Commander, “are beaming.”
The article says the happy couple has been dating for 11 months.  It's reported that Christian attends Auburn, a 2016 graduate of Niceville High School in Florida, while brother Chance goes to Vanderbilt.

According to People magazine:
“We want a short engagement — we’re ready,” Robertson, 22, tells PEOPLE. “We’re ready to get this show on the road and celebrate a wedding with everybody. Definitely sooner than later.”
It's refreshing to see this couple so much in love, so excited about what God has in store for them in their marriage.  And, we can remember that marriage is something to celebrate!  A person who is a gift from God, whom we can love and enjoy spending time with, to participate in a lifetime of special moments together - that's what Christian and Sadie are looking forward to and something so many of us have experienced.   So...celebrate marriage - one man, one woman, united by one God.

We can give glory to God for our mates, for they are truly gifts from the Lord, and we should regard them in that way.

Finally, remember to take the time to affirm your spouse.  Certainly do that verbally, but by the way that you behave, the way you act toward them, with understanding and compassion.  You can actually affirm them without words by listening, really listening, and seeking to be used of the Lord powerfully in their lives.  Maybe not be best slogan here but, marriage, done right - it's worth screaming about; in a good way.  YES!

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