Monday, June 17, 2019


God, by His great love for us and through the leadership of the Holy Spirit, has brought us into salvation through Christ and ushered us into a glorious walk with Himself.  2nd Peter chapter 1
2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord,
3 as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue,
4 by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

Our salvation is a gift from God and the "grace and peace" to which Paul refers are provided to us by the Lord, not of human effort.  We cannot save ourselves, and the Holy Spirit draws us to God. We have a powerful Savior who will work in our lives to produce "life and godliness."  We have been given incredible promises in the Word of God, and we can depend on Him by faith to express His will through us.  We can maintain a humble spirit and trust God to be very involved in our lives.


We can identify the work of the Spirit in bringing us into a relationship with Christ and His leadership in enabling us to walk closer to God. Romans 8 says:
14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.
15 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father."
16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,
17 and if children, then heirs--heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.

We can give praise to God that He is active in our lives - He hasn't just wound up the universe and allow it to operate on its own.  No, He is motivated by His love for humanity, He is love, and we see so often instances of His involvement.  And, He will use people who are devoted to Him to minister to others.

Case in point here: Jacob Palmer is 27 years old and one night, a night on which, according to, he "had been high on Meth, PCP, Heroin and Cocaine," attempted to take his life by jumping off the Lesner bridge in Virginia Beach.

That night Collin Dozier, who is 31, "...was driving home around midnight when he noticed a car pulled on the side of the road on the Lesner bridge." The article goes on to say:
He said he felt compelled by God to investigate after not seeing the driver of the car.
"I figured he wasn't even near his car that much," Dozier told CBN News. "So, I just felt the Holy Spirit speak to me and tell me to go up there."
Collin found Jacob there at the edge; he shared, "At that point I was like, 'Hey man, don't do it. Jesus loves you. He's got a plan for your life..."  Jacob didn't respond, and Collin began to relate his own testimony and prayed for him in that moment.  Police arrived, and Jacob spoke - according to Collin, "He said 'leave me alone. I have a gun. I'm going to kill you both, there's going to be two murders tonight if you don't leave me alone right now'..." He was now, according to the article, "rocking back and forth on the bridge's railing."

Then, Dozier took bold action:
"I went for it and I went over top his arms and I pinched my elbows in," he said describing the moment. "I knew that he couldn't reach for anything. I stepped up onto the railing and I sucked him back. I picked him up and I threw him down on the pavement and at that point the police officers jumped over the roadside railing and were able to apprehend him."
The Word - combined with the compassion of Christ - did not return void.  The story says that Jacob...
...has since become a Christian and now attends Dozier's church. He has been sober since that night.

"He said the fact that the love that you showed me, it blew his mind and to the point that he said I want that," explained Dozier. "He said I want that love. I just told him the scripture and I said if you'd be willing, I'd love to pray this prayer with you, and he said absolutely, and he accepted Jesus in his heart."
Collin Dozier received a Lifesaving Award from the city.

So, today, this gives us an opportunity to explore the concept of intervention.  Collin was used by the Lord in what you could refer to as a "Holy Spirit intervention."  Sometimes, that can occur by the Holy Spirit supernaturally and in His sovereign way.  Other times, He will use a person.  But we can be glad that He loves us so much that He chooses to be involved in our lives.

We can rejoice that he has intervened and saved our lives, bringing us salvation.  He wants everyone to come to know Him and He is at work to bring people into the knowledge of Himself.  You see,
God doesn't send people to hell, as some would contend.  He has placed the opportunity before us to accept His Son as our Savior; it's everyone's choice whether or not to accept God's grace.  And, we can be thankful for how the Holy Spirit is involved in bringing people to Jesus.

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