Wednesday, March 11, 2020

See You at the Pole - Everyday

The Bible teaches that we are to be in submission to Christ, our ultimate authority, and we are to
possess an attitude of humility toward those who are in leadership. Titus 3 states:
1 Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work,
2 to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men.

We are called to exhibit the character of our Lord, and that includes demonstrating to the world that we are citizens of heaven by being good citizens of earth.  If we are in right relationship with Christ, it will flow out of our actions - we can be diligent and committed so serving Him and serving others. We are also directed to pray for those in authority so that we can freely live the type of life that God intends for us to have.


The Bible encourages us to submit to authorities, and it is certainly refreshing to see people in leadership who submit to the ultimate authority. 1st Peter 2 reminds us:
13 Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake, whether to the king as supreme,
14 or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good.
15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men--
16 as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God.

Day after day in a small town in Arkansas, a police officer, called to "protect and serve," who is also a school resource officer, walks to the school flagpole and prays.

The Faithwire website reports on DeAndra Warren, who is with the police department of Wynne, Arkansas.  Recently, his daughter posted a picture on Facebook of her father praying at that school flagpole; she wrote:
“Often you don’t see an officer on school grounds at the flag pole praying for our children! I know this amazing Man of God who prays for our school systems, your children, and our community every day faithfully! This outstanding man is my dad and I’m so proud to be his daughter! There’s not too many people out here in this world like him! Officer Warren we are so thankful for you!”
Faithwire reports that Warren "said he was 'led by the spirit of God to pray at the flagpole,' according to The Washington Examiner."

The Faithwire article relates:
The police officer said he prays for everyone because of the negativity in the world today.
“With the negativity in our world today towards our nation, law enforcement, communities and school systems, prayer is much needed,” he said.
Warren, who has been a police officer for seven years, explains that he started praying for students while on patrol in 2015 and hasn’t stopped, WTVG-TV reports.
He told Good Morning America: “I’d be on my patrol and just pray as I walk up and down the halls,” adding, “One moment I just felt the urge to stop at the flagpole and start praying at the pole because of what it represents and with so many things that are going on in our nation.”

The Washington Examiner also reported:
Warren is a minister at the Tabernacle of Faith New Testament Church, where he also plays the drums.
The reaction to his daily prayers has been overwhelmingly positive, Warren said. Students, parents, and teachers have told the officer they appreciate him protecting the school and also flash smiles and give him encouraging words for his prayers and work.
“I give my God all the praise and glory for all he has done for me. It's because of God that I am able to do what he allows me to do. When you serve God first, it's easy to serve everybody else! To God be the Glory!” he told the Washington Examiner.
DeAndra Warren understands protection, and is devoted to acknowledging the highest form of protection.  We can call upon our mighty God for His divine protection.  And, we can be motivated to pray for those who serve, including law enforcement, military, and first responders.  In a time of nervousness over a spreading virus, a spiritual step that we can take is to pray for God's protection.

In a small but powerful gesture each day, Officer Warren is demonstrating that He loves God.  And, our culture needs more people in authority who are submitted to God's authority.  Each of us has people whom we influence, and people can be encouraged as we set the example and stand in solidarity with our Savior.

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