Monday, March 16, 2020

Staying Connected

With concerns about a rapidly-spreading virus, we can recognize the special purpose that God has for
His Church. Colossians 1 states, referring to Jesus:
18 And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.
19 For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell,
20 and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross.

There is a spreading virus, but even though there is physical separation that has been enacted by public officials and agreed upon by church congregations, we can continue to seek out ways to spread the love of Christ.  We can trust the Holy Spirit regarding his direction on ministering to others - it could be something very simple, like checking in with friends or loved ones, especially the elderly, or it may be organizing a service project to help people out in times of need.  We can rely on His creativity and His direction.


The Church has a divine purpose in this world, and we have been given incredible power by the Spirit of God to express the presence of Christ.  Ephesians 3 states:
8 To me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ,
9 and to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ;
10 to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places,
11 according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord...

It certainly wasn't the conventional way, but the Church met yesterday.  A number of churches that had the technology to do so were able to stream their services online, and congregations across the country, if they did met, had serious advisories regarding the precautions that they would need to take.  With new guidelines, there will be a place for creativity in the days to come regarding ways we can stay connected.

And, while the Church met in an unorthodox way yesterday, these troubled and uncertain times provide an unprecedented opportunity to serve others.  We can serve others by continuing to exhibit faith and the face of fear and pointing people to hope in Christ, which is the anchor for the soul.

There is also the opportunity for the Church to serve.  It has been pointed out that in the area of disaster relief, faith-based and charitable organizations relieve the enormous pressure that is on governmental entities.  This could be regarded as a disaster, as well.

A sampling of some of the actions being taken by churches across America include these:

In Lakeland, Florida, Lake Gibson Church of the Nazarene has been accepting food donations for needy children.  Bay News 9 reports that:
With schools closed across Florida, many worry about how some students will eat.
For many low-income families, school breakfasts and lunches are often the only meals these children receive.
Mandy Stock, the Family Ministries Leader at the church, said, "I didn’t want a baby to go hungry. I know that God is good and he will find ways to provide..."  So, she started a food collection drive to supplement what the local schools are providing. But, she is concerned about the transportation area: "There is concern because a lot of it is, even these school sites that will be open for food, the students have to walk there. If they’re being watched by older brothers and sisters or if families can’t drive them there or they can' walk to the school site, they’re not going to have access to that food..."

While Church of the Highlands was one of the churches across Alabama and the nation that went to an online-only format yesterday, it is getting involved in a unique way, providing the use of its Grandview campus on Highway 280 in Birmingham as a testing site for COVID-19. CBS 42 reports that "Assurance Scientific Labs has teamed with Church of the Highlands and Christ Health Center to expand capacity for Coronavirus testing."

Yesterday, in a press conference at the White House, Vice President Pence made these remarks, according to the White House website:
We also want to express great appreciation to the American people. Not surprisingly, it is inspiring to see the way tens of millions of Americans are responding with compassion, with common sense. And we want to express particular gratitude to communities of faith that participated in today’s National Day of Prayer. We’ve seen places of worship implementing policies to keep those most vulnerable safe. And also, we’re seeing communities of faith already stepping forward to support and to encourage those most vulnerable.
I heard tell of a church back in Indiana that’s actually no longer having services until April 10th, but in the meantime they’ll be offering daycare to the children of healthcare workers in Central Indiana. And churches all across the country are taking the opportunity to reach out and put feet on their faith, and it’s truly inspiring.
That's what we do - that's who we are.  We are the Church, endued with resources by Almighty God, full of love and compassion, and directed by the Spirit of God regarding how those resources are to be used for the good of others, so that the name of Jesus might be lifted up.

In these times of uncertainty, the Church can bring stability and encouragement.  While we may be physically separated for time, we can still connect in a variety of ways.  Technology can bring us together, whether it be Internet and social media, or an old-fashioned phone call to check up on the vulnerable in a congregation.  We can maintain the awareness that we are one body, and the cancellation of church doesn't mean the cancellation of the Church.

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