Thursday, August 20, 2020

Pandemic Regimen

We have been blessed with the opportunity to serve God wholeheartedly and to bring Him glory in our endeavors. Our prayers, time in the Word, and fellowship with Him give us the direction and strength that we need in order to navigate this world. Psalm 31 states:
14 But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord; I say, "You are my God."
15 My times are in Your hand; Deliver me from the hand of my enemies, And from those who persecute me.
16 Make Your face shine upon Your servant; Save me for Your mercies' sake.

Think about that phrase, "My times are in Your hand." That can bring us tremendous comfort; we can draw strength from the daily knowledge that He is with us and will determine and direct the steps that we take. He gives us the resources we need in order to make good decisions and to walk in clarity and confidence, dependent on the teachings of Scripture and the power of the Spirit.  We can declare and reflect that He is our God.


Colossians 3 gives us some perspective and motivation as we recognize our call to live for Christ.  We can read:
23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,
24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.

An organization that is devoted to making sure that faith-friendly workplaces are created and sustained, the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation (RFBF), is, according to a report, touting the findings of the Pew Research Center, which has found that "55% of US adults, totaling 115 million men and women, have regularly turned to prayer during the COVID-19 pandemic."

CBN says that the RFBF believes this is "good news as it also points to the importance for employers to include faith as a part of their resources for employees as businesses try to navigate the workplace in the present coronavirus world." The story adds that, "Many industries are realizing that faith-friendly environments mean better workplaces and ultimately better businesses." Companies with such environments apparently include Intel, American Express, American Airlines, Salesforce, and DELL Technologies."

While you can conclude that some people are making prayer a part of their pandemic regimen, it is by no means the most popular.  As CBN and the Pew summary relate, 89% of those polled are watching television or movies on a daily or weekly basis.  The Pew summary notes that 73% responded by saying they watch TV or movies every day, with 57% saying that they spent time outdoors daily.

CBN also states:
Many Americans (84%) are also spending free time outdoors or talking to family and friends using the phone or video (70%).

Scripture reading was reported among the less common coping activities. Three-in-ten US adults say they read scripture at least weekly, and a quarter meditate each week to cope with the pandemic, according to Pew.

But, the Pew survey does report that some Americans have been involved in a charitable activity during the COVID-19 crisis; its summary says:

U.S. adults have spent time or money helping others during the pandemic in a variety of ways. Four-in-ten say they have helped friends or neighbors by delivering groceries, running errands or helping with childcare. Three-in-ten report having volunteered or donated money through a nonreligious charitable organization, and 18% have done the same through a religious organization.

We are called to be excellent time managers and take the necessary steps to glorify God in our lives. We also have to be so careful what we take into our consciousness. When entertainment takes precedent over our spiritual activity, including prayer and Bible study, our lives can begin to reflect what we take in. 

The COVID-19 crisis has given many people more time on their hands.  The question really becomes if and how we have managed that time and have we managed it well.  We can rely on the Holy Spirit to help us use our time wisely and to show us how we can maximize our time with Him. It's not a matter of "making time" for Jesus, but allowing Him to govern the time that He has given us.

It mentioned the organization that is attempting to put a greater priority on faith in the workplace. It is heartening to see that some companies draw a line from, not between, faith, morale, and performance. Christians who are praying and living according to the Word are capable, by God's power, of making a strong impact in the work to which they are called.

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