Friday, August 28, 2020

Public Faith

God uses imperfect, sinful people to accomplish His purposes. That includes each of us, certainly, but He also will lead us to have a significant impact in our communities and even our nation.  Proverbs 14 
34 Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people.
35 The king's favor is toward a wise servant, But his wrath is against him who causes shame.

We can determine that we will follow the way of righteousness - in our own lives individually, and to make a statement to our society that we will follow the ways of God.  That is reflected in the decisions we make, led by the Holy Spirit.  He has given us a story and He has provided for us a voice with which to tell it.  We can rejoice that the Lord is faithful and He is actively working through His people, so that He may be honored.


The Bible addresses issues concerning Biblical authority - set against a background of lawlessness in our streets, we have seen in the last two weeks examples of orderly selection of those who aspire to lead our nation. Romans 13 states:
1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.
3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same.

One of the themes that I will explore commonly on my radio show is that our Christian faith should drive all of our decisions, including matters of politics.  Certainly, there are those Christians who are ridiculed for being "too involved in politics," but I believe the selection of leaders and attempting to influence policies represent opportunities for believers to be salt and light.  And, it's interesting that you hear some believers who will call other Christians out for political involvement, yet it seems they're only calling out those who disagree with them politically.

This week, perhaps you have seen or heard a variety of outspoken Christians take to the stage at the Republican National Convention.  These are believers who take their participation seriously and attempt to communicate their worldview.  We need faith in politics - faith that is consistent with the Bible, faith that produces "good works," and faith that makes a strong statement in what is called "the public square."

Take, for instance, Jon Ponder.  He is a former bank robber, but had a special moment at the convention.  According to Faithwire:

Jon Ponder, a former bank robber pardoned Tuesday evening by President Donald Trump, said Wednesday afternoon that it “was 100% Jesus” who turned his life around while he was behind bars.

“I want to thank God for turning my life around,” Ponder told Fox News’ Dana Perino. “It was 100% Jesus that turned my life in a 180-degree turn in another direction and I cannot stop thanking Him enough.”
On Tuesday, the President said: “While Jon was in prison, he began reading the Bible and listening to Christian radio,” adding, “One day, he heard the Rev. Billy Graham on the radio proclaim Jesus wants to be Lord of your life. On that day, Jon dedicated his life to Christ. He spent the rest of his time in prison studying the Bible.”

The Graham family was represented this year by not only Franklin Graham, who prayed during the Thursday night program, but also his daughter, Cissie Graham Lynch, who delivered a message centered around the Trump Administration's defense of religious freedom.  A Faithwire article states:
She told viewers that under the Obama-Biden administration these freedoms were under attack.

“Democrats tried to make faith organizations pay for abortion-inducing drugs. Democrats tried to force adoption agencies to violate their deeply-held beliefs. Democrats pressured schools to allow boys to compete in girls’ sports and use girls’ locker rooms. Those are the facts,” Lynch said.
“Then we the people elected Donald Trump. The people of faith suddenly had a fierce advocate in the White House,” she added. “He appointed judges who respect the First Amendment. He supported religious beliefs in court. He ensured that religious ministries would not be forced to violate their beliefs. He reversed the policies that placed our little girls at risk,” she continued.
To counter the well-known Democrat position on support for abortion on demand, Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood director who is leading abortion clinic employees out of the industry, stated, according to the same Faithwire article:
“For me, abortion is real,” Johnson said. “I know what it sounds like. I know what abortion smells like. Did you know that abortion even had a smell? I’ve been the perpetrator to these babies…to these women. And I now support President Trump because he has done more for the unborn than any other president.”

Johnson reminded viewers that “life is a core tenant of who we are as Americans. This election is a choice between two radical anti-life activists and the most pro-life president we have ever had. That’s something that should compel you to action,” she continued. “Take action that re-elects our president and do it with our very most vulnerable Americans in mind. The ones who haven’t been born yet.”

Two relatively recent Meeting House guests were part of a panel of hostages who had experienced freedom, a discussion hosted by the President.  The Christian Post quotes Andrew Brunson, an American pastor who was imprisoned in Turkey, who said: "You took unprecedented steps, actually, to secure my release and your administration really fought for me..."  The article also says:

The sixth hostage, Bryan Nerren, thanked Trump for sending a letter to his wife as he was held captive in India. “It really gave her the hope and the peace.”

“From that time forward, as more people got involved, especially the ambassador there in India, things became more peaceful … and the hope was there for the last four months, that we really would get to come home,” he added.

Other high-ranking Christians who have participated in the Convention include Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who addressed the gathering from Jerusalem, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, and Vice-President Mike Pence, who accepted his nomination Wednesday night at Fort McHenry. 

The President accepted his nomination with a speech that covered a variety of topics, as outlined by CBN News.  The President asked: “...How can the Democrat party ask to lead our country when it spends so much time tearing down our country?”  The report went on to say:

He touted the strong economy, trade deals, low unemployment, Supreme Court picks and his response to the Coronavirus for reasons to vote Trump in November.

“When I am re-elected the best is yet to come,” Trump said. quotes the President as saying: " this country, we don't look to career politicians for salvation. In America, we don't turn to government to restore our souls. We put our faith in almighty God.”

David Brody of CBN tweeted out this quote from the President: "Democrat politicians refuse to protect innocent life, and then they lecture us about morality and saving America's soul? Tonight, we proudly declare that all children, born and unborn, have a GOD-GIVEN RIGHT TO LIFE."

One of the notable aspects of the Republican National Convention, besides the lack of large crowds to greet the speakers, were the testimonials of real people who wanted their voices to be heard.  That is beauty that is woven in the fabric of America - we can live free, we can be who we are, and we can, or should be able to speak freely.  And, people were sharing their experiences.  Unfortunately, there is an intimidation factor that results in people like Sen. Paul, who was accosted last night as he left the White House, and others, who have been the victims of so-called "protesters" who are really agitators who want to significantly alter the American way of life.  That is why we need to pray for our nation; Franklin Graham gave a great example last night - the Decision Magazine website quoted from him:

As we come tonight, our country is facing trouble. Tens of thousands are in the path of a deadly storm. The pandemic has gripped millions of hearts with fear. We’re divided. We have witnessed injustice. Anger and despair have flowed into the streets. We need Your help. We need to hear Your voice at this crucial hour. 

We ask that You would unite our hearts, to be one nation under God—for You are our only hope.
We declare today our total dependence upon You and our need of repentance as a people.

The nominating conventions are over, and now the work of prayer and action has begun. It is important that you register to vote and engage people on the issues at stake, from a Biblical perspective.  Compare the stated positions of the candidates with the Scriptures - allow a Christian worldview to determine your vote.  We don't have to be intimidated by those that want to diminish Christian involvement in the public square - those who chide believers for "being too involved in politics" or dismiss their patriotism by ridiculing them for their "Christian nationalism."  Look around, study the history - this is a nation established on principles consistent with the Scripture - have we made mistakes?  Certainly.  But, liberty is part of the wonderful foundation of our nation, and we can look ultimately to God as our defender.

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