Wednesday, November 11, 2020



There is a verse in the book of 1st Peter that can speak powerfully to us as we honor those who serve in our military, who are involved in the work of our government, which Romans 13 tells us is ordained of God. Verse 17 states, "Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king."

Veterans Day is a day to honor those who have served, many throughout the years having laid down their lives, a visible reminder of what it means to sacrifice one's life. I don't believe we are called to take such service for granted, and we are called to show honor to "all people," and then the verse tells us to "honor the king."  We can be thankful for the people whom God has placed in authority and recognize faithful service.  


Romans 13 speaks to us about authority, and we are reminded of the holy calling that God has given to those who serve in that capacity.  Our military is part of that authority structure.  Verses 3 and 4 of that 
chapter in Romans say:
3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same.
4 For he is God's minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God's minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.

On this Veterans Day, we can remember those who have been willing to give their lives for the sake of our country.  It was gratifying to me to see the large crowds that came out, in the midst of a pandemic that has been attributed with the loss of hundreds of thousands of Americans, to exercise a right - the right to vote, that has been earned, preserved, and defended by those who have served in our Armed Forces.  And, even though results are being challenged, we can continue to uphold the ideals of a democratic republic.  As Jeff Myers of Summit Ministries wrote recently for The Stream: "During this critical time in our nation it should be churches and people of faith who stand firm, not for our preferred candidate, but for justice and the rule of law to be upheld in our communities and in our electoral process."

In response, Myers, who is a scheduled guest on The Meeting House soon, encouraged Christians to do the following:

First and foremost, pray and fast to beseech God to intervene and restore justice in our land. Then, take action by studying the issue of election integrity at a website and contacting your state’s election officials to ensure that your vote was counted. If your state is one where corruption is suspected, ask God for wisdom in how to hold your elected officials accountable.

Tricia Goyer tells the story of a World War II veteran, LeRoy "Pete" Peterson, in her book, Stories from a Soldiers Heart. An excerpt that ran last year on the website included the story of this medic who found himself, as well as a Major serving with him, under fire from the Germans.  She tells the story in his voice:

I knew I had little protection and figured I was a goner since the Germans were firing from my side. Then, something amazing happened. As I lay there, I felt someone pushing on my back, pushing me deeper into the ground and telling me to get down.

Rounds three, four, and five landed on the jeep. There was nothing left. But as I lay in that ditch I had a sensation of protection, one I’ll never forget. When it was over, blood dripped from my nose and ears. The Major was okay, but I had concussion problems from the shells that shook the ground. It took five days of rest before I could resume my duties. And even though I looked fine on the outside, something had changed within.

I’d been a Christian since I was a small child, but I had even greater faith after feeling the protection of the Lord pressing upon me. I’m still a strong Christian today because of that experience. Many people can deny the fact that God exists, but not me. I’ve felt His hand... and heard His whisper in the midst of war.

First of all, we recognize those who have faithfully served our country on this Veterans Day.  They have contributed to obtaining and preserving the freedoms we enjoy today.  

Peterson is quoted as saying that he heard God's whisper in the midst of war. So, what are the wars you are facing today?  While the wars rage externally, or internally, we can lose a sense of knowing the promptings of the Holy Spirit.  Absorbing and applying God's Word can help restore a sense of peace and security, and we can be reminded that we are more than conquerors, as Romans 8 says, through Christ.

Veterans Day is certainly a time to remember.  We can remember incredible service and sacrifice and can reflect on the strong constitutional foundations of our nation.  We can also, as believers, rejoice in our foundation in Christ and in how we have seen God's hand in our lives.  And, we can think about the notion of sacrifices - those made by who serve in our military, and ultimate sacrifice made for humanity, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

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