Monday, November 9, 2020

Holding on to Life

The Bible is clear about thoughts, intents, and actions that are not pleasing to God, and we have to
make sure that we are upholding His principles. Proverbs chapter 6 says:
16 These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
17 A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood,
18 A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil,
19 A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.

The Bible is an incredible measuring stick by which we compare ourselves.  We have to make sure that we are walking in honesty and integrity, devoted to upholding the truth.  We are also, as verse 17 says, called to not "shed innocent blood."  That can certainly apply to how we regard the most vulnerable among us, which most certainly refers to the unborn.  We have to make sure that our hearts are pure and our motives are in line with God's intentions for us.


We submit to a Creator God, who has made us in His image and has formed us according to His
sovereign plan - Psalm 139 lays it out so beautifully:

13 For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb.
14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.

For those that say that the Scripture does not address abortion, this is a text that declares otherwise.  We are a creation of God, and the Bible says that we are not to take the life of His creation: "Thou shalt not kill!"

British efforts to allow, and in some reported cases, pressure pregnant women to have abortions of Down syndrome children are being stood against, according to a recent article at The Christian Institute website from the U.K., which says:

In the UK, abortion is permitted up to 24 weeks for most reasons but is available up to birth for children deemed to have a ‘severely life-limiting condition’ – including Down’s syndrome.

 The article says that one mother...

...said she was pressured to abort her daughter 15 times and was told at 38 weeks pregnant that she could change her mind right up until being induced.

Emma Mellor explained that “even though we made it really clear that it wasn’t an option for us” they “really seemed to push and really seemed to want us to terminate”.
Another mother says that she was pressured by a sonographer who was performing an ultrasound, and says, "The support was only there if I chose to have an abortion..."

But the good news is that a challenge to the law has been allowed.  The Christian Institute reports:
Earlier this month, a woman with Down’s syndrome was granted permission to challenge the current law on abortion at the High Court.

Heidi Crowter and fellow campaigner Máire Lea-Wilson said the law discriminates against unborn babies with the condition.

Nicola Enoch was also quoted in the article, as well as a piece on The Christian Post website, which says:

The U.K.'s government-funded NHS uses prenatal testing to find out whether a baby has Down syndrome, said Enoch. Then, it frames the baby as a disaster for the mother.

“It’s the subliminal messages that we don’t even realize. The tone of the conversation,” she said. “That tone of ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘this baby is to be avoided.’”

Research conducted by Positive about Down syndrome showed that upon receiving news from the NHS that their baby had Down syndrome, 69% of pregnant women were immediately offered an abortion. If they said no, NHS officials would ask them again. And again. One woman was asked 15 times, the BBC reported.

It is concerning when government promotes abortion, and Christians across America have taken a stand against that practice.  The availability of abortion during the entire pregnancy, taxpayer funding of abortion, and refusal to allow babies who survive abortion to receive proper medical care are all trends that have continued to influence American elections. But, state legislatures are continuing to pass pro-life bills that protect life at various stages and will likely be able to do more if and when Roe v. Wade is overturned.  No matter what the final outcome will be in the Presidential election, believers can continue to pray, stand, and be involved in speaking up for the unborn. 

We recognize that a disability should never be a valid reason for an abortion. The Joni and Friends Public Policy Center states...

...while data on the United States is limited, the most recent study estimates abortion rates following prenatal diagnoses have resulted in reducing the overall population of persons with Down syndrome by 30%. As usage of prenatal screening increases, research predicts termination rates will also increase as demonstrated by more reliable studies in the European context, which have consistently indicated an approximately 90-92% termination rate for preborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome.

It mentions a report from three years ago from Iceland that it had almost "eradicated" Down syndrome by "prenatal testing and abortion."  The policy brief goes on to say...

...when we intentionally end the life of a preborn child—with or without a disabling condition—we claim a right that is not ours to assume. Moreover, from a Christian perspective “weakness” and “suffering” are not things to be avoided at all costs. Instead, our own weaknesses often provide the greatest opportunity for God’s strength and power to be manifested, thereby bringing glory to him (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). This is just one of the ways in which God redeems the suffering and difficulties we face in life—including the challenges associated with having a disability.

This is the essence of why so many Christians do not believe they should vote for pro-abortion politicians - instead of "playing God," they should be interested in submitting to God, the one who is the author of life. 

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