Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Driving Trust

Each day, we need reminders of God's presence and His faithfulness - the concerns of this world can certainly be overwhelming at times, and we need to rely on the strength of Almighty God. Proverbs 3 says this:
1 My son, do not forget my law, But let your heart keep my commands;
2 For length of days and long life And peace they will add to you.
3 Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart,
4 And so find favor and high esteem In the sight of God and man.
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding...

You're probably familiar with that 5th verse, but I think those preceding verses give us some insight into how we can sustain and grow in that trust.  We are charged not to "forget" God's law and the third verse actually offers the challenge to keep His Word foremost in our consciousness.  Deuteronomy 6 addresses keeping God's words in front of us by posting them in our homes.  Whatever we can do to keep His truth before us, deep down in our hearts - we need that reminder.


Proverbs 29 prescribes that people who are "righteous," who follow God and put His principles into leadership make a significant impact. The first four verses of the chapter say:
1 He who is often rebuked, and hardens his neck, Will suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.
2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.
3 Whoever loves wisdom makes his father rejoice, But a companion of harlots wastes his wealth.
4 The king establishes the land by justice, But he who receives bribes overthrows it.

There seem to be quite a few people with "hard necks" out there, who are intent on following principles that are not in keeping with God's truth.  But, we can affirm our devotion to our Savior.

Don Carey is a member of the City Council in Chesapeake, Virginia who apparently wanted to do something to reflect upon the foundations of our nation and the source of our rights as American citizens. reports that Carey recommended that a decal stating, "In God We Trust" be placed on all city vehicles; Carey said "that the objective is to 'rebuild a healthy patriotism that can unify people.'"

The City Council voted recently to approve the proposal.  CBN stated:

During last week's meeting, Carey explained that displaying the decals will play a role in strengthening relations within the community.

He is quoted as saying:

"If you look around, you can see that the state of our country, the state of our city is crumbling from a social fabric standpoint. There is a lot of rhetoric that is divisive both in speaking of the foundation of America, the ontological existence of America nowadays and I think it's important that we have something that rather than divides us... unites us..."
The council voted unanimously for the decals. Carey also, according to CBN, "...noted that 'In God We Trust' was authorized to be the nation's motto dating to the 1950s and has continued to be reaffirmed." He stated, "...I think it's good that we continue to push forth In God We Trust as a unifying banner for us to coalesce around particularly in a world that has grown ever more divisive, and I hate to say oftentimes by individuals in the political sphere."

Carey also shared: "...part of the rhetoric around the separation of church and state in my mind is problematic because it makes it seem as if people think that God has no place in the public sphere of marketable ideas and I think that's disheartening."

It does seem that in some circles, a variety of ideas are tolerated, but when the concept of God is brought into a discussion, people bow up and cry "separation of church and state," which is taken from the words of Thomas Jefferson written to a religious group and the idea was that there should be no state church - to me, it is consistent with the "free exercise" clause of the Constitution that seems to be forgotten these days.  

There are those that read or quote the First Amendment and emphasize the first part, when it says that Congress would not establish a religion.  Don't stop there - it also says that Congress should not prohibit the free exercise of religion.  Have you ever written an e-mail that is more than one paragraph, then you get a reply and it is clear that the person didn't read past the first one?  That seems to be some folks' approach to the First Amendment.

I believe that the legality of robust practice of faith is healthy for a society, but the practice of the Christian faith offers the one true hope for a world that is suffering from discouragement, division, and even hope.  If the Church is fruitful, it has a significant impact.  We need godly wisdom and an expression of Biblical principles in our world today.  We have to be seen as putting our words, based on God's Word, to work - proclaiming His love and truth and dedicated to being His representatives.

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