Wednesday, July 14, 2021


We have to take great care that we do not buy in to the liberalization of our culture to accept an "anything goes" perspective regarding sexuality, because, as we have seen, it leads to corruption. We are surrounded by it today, and we have to resist the urge to accept unbiblical practices. Hebrews 13 states:
4 Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.
5 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
6 So we may boldly say: "The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?"

The opponents of the demand to allow people who identify as the opposite gender than their biological one continue to cry out against this faux "right," and recently, there have been instances that show what happens when these types of policies are actually enacted.


Believers in Christ are called to uphold Biblical principles with respect to maintaining purity in our thoughts and actions. What we practice and what we tolerate should reflect our devotion to God's truth. 1st Corinthians 6 states:
17 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.
18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.
19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?
20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.

Stop 1 in a tour of the actual fruit of the faulty direction to turn aside from God's principles: Los Angeles.  According to The Daily Citizen website of Focus on the Family:

The internet has been abuzz with the story of a naked man who entered the women’s section of Wi Spa, a high-end Korean-style facility that offers hot and cold baths, sauna rooms, a fitness room, a restaurant and a playroom for kids.

When a “transgender woman,” a biological male who “identifies” as a woman, entered the sex-segregated women’s area, women and girls fled the room. One woman posted her response to the incident on Instagram (caution: language), and the video quickly spread on social media and in the news.
As the article points out, that woman's Instagram is "filled with Scripture." Her appeals to Wi Spa personnel essentially fell on deaf ears because, "both L.A. and California have laws protecting 'sexual orientation and gender identity' (SOGI) in public accommodations, such as restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, spas and saunas."  

Here is a real-life example demonstrating the fallacies in these so-called SOGI laws.  The Daily Citizen website also says: "Focus on the Family has warned believers about the dangers when SOGI nondiscrimination laws elevate ill-defined, subjective characteristics and identities to the same level as race, sex and religion." 

And, when concerned citizens staged a protest at Wi Spa over the Fourth of July weekend, chaos ensued, according to Family Research Council...
...what started out as a peaceful protest over the store's refusal to protect its customers turned ugly when counter-protestors, carrying rainbow flags and transgender signs, decided to get in the faces of concerned men and women. Suddenly, the chants of "save our children" were drowned out by a crazed mob who started setting fire to dumpsters and chasing opponents down the streets.
Another example of this transgender madness occurred not in the Golden State, but in the more conservative environs of the state of Iowa.  The Daily Citizen states:
The Iowa Standard reported, just two weeks ago, that a teenage girl “was allowed to walk around the Pella Aquatic Center topless and use the men’s locker rooms with grown men and boys of all ages, exposing her breasts because she identified as a male.”

The center’s “policy says that anyone can wear the clothing necessary in line with their gender identity rather than biological sex,” an assistant manager told The Standard.

As the Standard reports, that Aquatic Center policy was set by the City Council.  

The article concludes by saying:

In this age of confusion about sexual identity, it’s important for Christians to understand the issues and speak the truth of God’s good design of man and woman, made in His image, courageously, wisely and kindly.

In addition, we must be aware so that we can protect our families – 17 states and hundreds of municipalities have public accommodations laws that protect “gender identity.” It’s incumbent upon us to speak up and act appropriately to protect privacy and safety for all people – but especially for women and children.

And I would add that the Equality Act would codify nationwide these local and state laws and ordinances and, I would say, trample on First Amendment guarantees of religious freedom.  What about the rest of us who don't want to buy in to this harmful agenda that disregards human dignity and respect for the Creator and His creation?  It certainly calls for prayer, vigilance, and doing our best to demonstrate the knowledge of God so that hearts can be changed.

I do want to give props to Alabama Attorney General - I was made aware of a story regarding an Arkansas law that prohibits treatment for minors that would attempt to alter their gender.  The story says:

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall issued an amicus brief Wednesday with 16 other GOP-led states in support of the recent Arkansas ban on ‘experimental’ transition-related care for transgender minors.

The brief outlined why top legal officials in 17 states supported the controversial ban implemented in April.

"We are filing this brief because, like Arkansas, we are concerned about the surge in recent years of children suffering from gender dysphoria and other forms of gender-related psychological distress," Marshall said in a statement Tuesday. "Like Arkansas — and like those challenging the SAFE Act — we are concerned because these vulnerable children are suffering greatly and need help. The vital questions are, how do we help them, and how do we avoid serious irreversible damage."

A similar bill passed the Alabama Senate overwhelmingly, only to have time run out on an attempt to pass the bill in the House.  

Culture has to find an answer to its confusion in the Church, and unfortunately, in the name of tolerance, churches are marching lockstep with the LGBTQ agenda, as well.  We have to encourage our pastors and church leaders to stand against these deviant philosophies. What looks and sounds good on paper is now having real-life negative consequences.  Scripture shows us how to be a voice of reason when culture is imposing unscriptural principles.  

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