Monday, July 12, 2021

Expressing Freedom

I would submit that deep within the heart of an individual there is a thirst for freedom. Now that desire should not be used as an expression of rebellion against God or detrimental independence, but should be an expression of freedom from the bondage that would restrain us from being whom God called us to be. 2nd Corinthians 3 states:
17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Liberty in the human sense can lead us into sinfulness, liberty through the eyes of God, seen through the lens of Scripture, is a deep well within us that results in our conformity to God's will so that we might experience what God has in store for us. Sin can weigh us down, but Christ died so that we might be set free. Unhealthy human emotions, such as fear, or unhealthy human actions, such as manipulation, can hold us back, but the Lord calls us to walk in faith, so that we might experience His victory.


Jesus spoke powerfully to the topic of spiritual freedom when He taught in the 8th chapter of the book 
of John:
31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.
32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

He went on to say:
(34) "Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.
35 And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever.
36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.

Miles McPherson is a former NFL player who has been called by God as the pastor of a church in San Diego called The Rock Church.  I have had staff members of that church on The Meeting House in the past, including Pastor McPherson, and the church has emerged as a proven leader in praying for and ministering in the community that it is called to serve. 

On July 4th on The Christian Post website, McPherson, who is an Exclusive Columnist for the publication wrote about freedom - not only the freedoms we enjoy as Americans, but true freedom in Jesus Christ.  He wrote:

This year, the topic of freedom is particularly meaningful to me as I have gotten to see freedom in action via the San Diego Freedom Center. Through God’s grace, the help of several investors, and too many miracle stories to count, our church was recently able to acquire and permanently shut down one of San Diego’s most iconic and long-standing strip clubs that was for sale. Now, this building will be repurposed into a transitional living center in which women who are survivors of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation can receive hope, safe shelter, and practical services.

The pastor related about the impact of trafficking statistics in his home area, writing:

When I heard the statistics about trafficking in my own backyard of San Diego, I became completely undone. It is overwhelming to hear the numbers, and the temptation is to feel detached or helpless due to the prevalence of this issue.

Still, it is incredibly important to allow the reality and weight of those numbers to crash over us. I knew that our church had to find a way to participate in fighting this crime. I knew we had to find a way to bring freedom to the people who were caught up in the sex industry, whether by choice or by force. I knew we had to find a way to use our freedom to serve others with love.

He referenced a seven-part series that NBC San Diego broadcast about the sex trafficking problem in that area. And, his church has positioned itself to do something about it. McPherson states:

This 4,000 square foot facility will be designed to provide holistic support to women so they can receive resources and experience healing. We don’t just want to see women rescued from trafficking. We don’t just want momentary freedom for them. We want them to experience true, comprehensive freedom that leads to a free and flourishing life.

In light of the announcement of these plans, we can consider the things that bind us.  The enemy wants to keep us in bondage - to sins that hold us back from experiencing the fullness of Christ, to relationships that are not healthy, to patterns that do not contribute to spiritual growth.  Whatever is not of God in our lives can be addressed by the principles and power of God.  We don't have to be subject to worldly, unhealthy thoughts and patterns of action.  There is an answer.

But, Pastor Miles points out, "the spiritual freedom that Jesus imparted to us was not momentary or a means to an end. Christ set us free FOR SOMETHING – in order that we would 'serve each other through love' (Galatians 5:13) and grow in deeper levels of freedom each day as we walk in step with the Holy Spirit."  We also recognize that the experience of this freedom does not manifest itself suddenly. When we received Christ, we were instantaneously born again, but that was not the end of the story - it was the beginning: of a life full of purpose and passion to serve the Lord, to become transformed into the image and likeness of Jesus and to grow as we know Him better.

These plans demonstrate the simple truth that we, as the Church, are called to identify a need and meet it. We are called to walk in love, and that involves depending on the Spirit of God to show us where we can serve and to empower us to express that love. Just as He identified our need for redemption from our sin problem, He enables us to address the problems in us and around us.

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