Thursday, July 28, 2022

Common Sense

There will always be those who may think they are or act as if they are smarter than you. But, you don't have to be the "smartest in the room," but you can be confident that you know the One who is, the source of all wisdom. And, that gives us a sense of peace. Romans 12 instructs us:
17 Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.
18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.
19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord.

There is a huge difference between trying to persuade people with anger, which is counterproductive, and to impact people with confidence and reason in the Lord. In the face of people that pursue their agenda with misplaced passion, we can recognize that God calls us to base our responses in His Word and depend on His Spirit. As it's been pointed out, our ambition ideally should be to win the heart, not necessarily the argument. 


We live in a day of unprecedented anger, it seems, and distinct polarization, which results in conflict. This actually gives us an opportunity to demonstrate how a calm, peaceful, demeanor can influence people for Christ. James 1 states:
17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
18 Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures.
19 So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath;
20 for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
21 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

Here's a question for you - if abortion is such a great thing, that should be made more widely available in the eyes of some, why does survey after survey show that Americans favor limits to it?  I contended recently that there is something in the conscience of many Americans that informs them that there is something wrong, and I stand by that.

Consider the latest survey by the American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, described in a story from two weeks ago, originally published at The Daily Signal, as "an almost 50-year-old association with at least 7,000 members."

The article summarized the three main findings of the survey; number one is this:
Seventy-nine percent of participants agreed data collection is important for women to understand the risks of abortion. Seven out of 10 pro-abortion voters agreed for women to understand the risks of abortion, accurate statistics of post-abortion complications are necessary. According to the Guttmacher Institute, only 28 states are required to report on post-abortion complications.
A board member of the OB/GYN association, Dr. Christina Francis, said: “We know in the U.S. our data collection is really appalling. Not even every state has to report their abortions, much less their complications,” adding, “Yet, patients are being told these are safe procedures, that medication abortions are safe and effective...They’re being told abortion is safer than childbirth, but this is all based on really inadequate data.”

The second major finding of this survey is that “Seventy-three percent of respondents agree that ‘commonsense provisions are needed’ when patients seek abortions—examples given included in-person consultations and parental consent for minors..."  Francis refers to the need for information for what she calls "fetal development milestones." The article at goes on to say:
Fetal development milestones include unique DNA blueprint at moment of conception, a fetal heartbeat at six weeks, and eye movement, fingernails, and sucking their thumb at 12 weeks. In-person consultations and screenings would allow for the physician to check for ectopic pregnancy and provide education on post-abortion risks.

Just a note: remember the lawmakers who want to "codify Roe" who have passed a bill in the House to that end that cannot make it through the Senate?  Informed consent or parental consent, which have been allowed to go into effect under Roe v. Wade would not be allowed under the Women's Health Protection Act.  

The third finding?  Over 80% of respondents indicated that abortion clinics should meet the same standards as other medical facilities. According to Life News: "These standards would include requirements such as routine clinic inspections, hospital admitting privileges for patients, informed consent, and ultrasounds."

It seems to me that you have people on the pro-abortion side who are willing, in the name of a so-called woman's right to choose or reproductive rights, to depart from logic and reason in order to parrot their talking points.  These are commonsense measures that survey respondents embrace.  It seems to me that people need to calm down and think.  I think that is a good action step for Christian believers, in general - we can be so caught up in impulse that we make irrational decisions.  Rather than think - and pray - through our decisions, we act in a less-than-informed manner. 

But, abortion proponents don't want women to be informed before they take the life of their child. There are those that want to block commonsense measures in order to make unfettered abortion the law and practice of the country.  But, the citizens of the country are not on board with that, and according to Students For Life:

Contrary to the pro-abortion mainstream media, the SBA polling reported at Axios found that the majority of American voters (by double-digit margins) actually support “a heartbeat limit, a pain-capable limit, or a similarly protective gestational limit” when considering abortion policy. 
The article also says, "In contrast, the poll also found that only 10% of voters actually favored the current agenda...which supports abortion at any time and for any reason."

So, when you cut through the heated rhetoric, I believe Americans know better. And, when they see the contrast of pro-life people, especially Christians, exhibiting the character of Christ and showing compassion for those in need, we have the chance to impact people for Him.  We don't need to be combative, but confident that His Word gives us answers for the dilemmas that people face. 

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