Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Bad Night?

In the book of Job, we see the central character, in a section related to compassion for other human beings, make a strong pro-life statement - in chapter 31, we can read:
13 "If I have despised the cause of my male or female servant When they complained against me,
14 What then shall I do when God rises up? When He punishes, how shall I answer Him?
15 Did not He who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same One fashion us in the womb?

This is consistent with language that we see in Psalm 139 and Jeremiah chapter 1.  God has created and ordained our lives - what right does anyone, as a mere human being, have to terminate the life of a fellow human being in the womb?  Or outside the womb, for that matter?  Yet, a distortion of the sanctify of life has occurred in our culture, a devaluation of the lives we all have been given. We celebrate the God who has given us life - and the lives He has given us!


In a culture that, unfortunately, celebrates death, we should be represented as people of life, who uphold the God-given right to life. Proverbs 24 states:
11 Deliver those who are drawn toward death, And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.
12 If you say, "Surely we did not know this," Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?

The annual appraisal of the State of the Union occurred last Tuesday night in Washington, and an interesting storyline has to do with how much time the President did - or didn't spend on the topic of abortion.  The New York Times said that he spent "roughly 42 seconds." The article states:

The White House says that it used the moment to call on Congress to reinstate the protections provided under Roe v. Wade, and that it has taken the most aggressive approach to abortion rights of any administration in history. But some abortion rights supporters said they saw the brief mention as a missed opportunity to leverage the power of the bully pulpit in what they often describe as a national health crisis. They were also mystified that the president passed up a chance to play up his own record, which nearly all praised.

A Christian denominational leader also noticed the lack of time spent, tweeting out:

The #SOTU speech is a laundry list of POTUS priorities. 

Noteworthy how far down the list abortion fell in the *first SOTU since the fall of Roe.*

President Biden spent more time on hidden fees. Bad night for Planned Parenthood.

This gained criticism on Twitter in response.  That tweet was retweeted by another leader in that denomination, which Megan Basham of The Daily Wire noted in this tweet:

...this is to completely ignore unprecedented steps Biden Admin is taking to protect abortion. Executive order to help women travel to get them, expanding access to abortion pills, offering abortions at VAs.

Make no mistake: the Administration is not backing down on its support for abortion. And, neither are congressional leaders who wore their pro-abortion pins, according to Bruce Hausknecht of The Daily Citizen:

The pro-abortion atmosphere in the joint session was evident from the cheers and applause that went up from half the chamber when the president mentioned these legislative initiatives. There were even some pro-abortion members of Congress present who proudly sported lapel buttons consisting of the word “ABORTION” with the first “O” replaced by a heart.

(Hausknecht also included the so-called Equality Act in his analysis.)  

The abortion extremists are hard at work to make sure that the act of taking of unborn babies' lives is protected.  Consider this from National Review from just two weeks ago:

The Biden administration is evaluating the possibility of declaring a public-health emergency on abortion, Department of Health and Human Services secretary Xavier Becerra said Monday.

“There are discussions on a wide range of measures … that we can take to try to protect people’s rights,” Becerra reportedly told Axios. “There are certain criteria that you look for to be able to declare a public-health emergency. That’s typically done by scientists and those that are professionals in those fields who will tell us whether we are in a state of emergency and based on that, I have the ability to make a declaration.”

By the way, we were in a state of emergency for 50 years under Roe - abortion is not health care and doesn't deserve protection.  And, leaders are fighting back against policies allowing the unpopular and immoral notion of abortion during all nine months of pregnancy.

I have also noted that the federal government is attempting to broaden the availability of chemical abortion, with the Food and Drug Administration loosening restrictions to include the possibility of obtaining the abortion pill in local pharmacies.  

But the pushback is coming...

Alliance Defending Freedom is representing a group of pro-life organizations calling for a reversal of this new policy.  Its website says:

Pro-life organizations, 67 members of Congress, and 23 states are supporting four national medical associations and four doctors experienced in caring for pregnant and post-abortive women who are suing the federal government for illegally approving chemical abortion drugs that harm women and girls. The support came in 15 friend-of-the-court briefs filed with a federal court Friday in the case Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The website for the Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton, noted last week:

Attorney General Paxton filed a new lawsuit against the Biden Administration today to halt it from illegally forcing pharmacies across America to provide abortifacients, which are prescription or over-the-counter drugs that induce abortions.

In July 2022, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) issued guidance that pharmacies must provide abortion-inducing drugs to women seeking elective abortions in order to stay in compliance with the Biden Administration’s view of federal law. The guidance threatened that pharmacies not falling in lockstep with Biden’s pro-abortion agenda would face the loss of Medicaid and Medicare funds.

The website also notes, "Attorney General Paxton has joined a Mississippi-led amicus brief supporting an injunction against a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (“VA”) rule that allows veterans and certain beneficiaries to get elective, taxpayer-funded abortions. The brief has been filed with the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, in Waco, Texas, on behalf of a VA nurse who opposes the new rule."

And, 1819 News reports that Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville "has filed a joint resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to nullify a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and their rule to allow abortion access to servicemembers." The article notes:
The VA released its rule in September 2022 and said it would begin offering abortions to servicemembers and certain dependents, regardless of the individual state's law.

According to Tuberville, the DoD's suggested policies are illegal in that they would permit federal funding of abortions not currently approved by federal law.

The "bad night" for Planned Parenthood actually came the day that the Dobbs decision was handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court.  The good news is that some states are taking steps to reduce the number of abortions in their states.  But there are not enough - courts are continuing to strike down abortion restrictions and state legislatures must continue to act.

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America has highlighted six main areas in which the Administration is continuing to force a radical pro-abortion agenda on the American people. Here are the bullet point headlines from its website:

  • Force American Taxpayers to Fund the Abortion Industry At Home and Overseas
  • Suppress & Eliminate the Rights of Pro-life Americans and Coerce Pro-life Medical Personnel into Participating in Abortion
  • Expand Extreme Abortion Policies that Most Americans Reject
  • Appointing the Most Pro-Abortion Cabinet in U.S. History
  • Change Foundational American Institutions to Expand Abortion
  • Weaponizing the DOJ and Ignoring Violence Against Pro-Life Americans.
So, don't be encouraged by the 42 seconds of time devoted to abortion in that recent address. Rather, be concerned and prayerful regarding the numerous ways that abortion is being promoted in our nation. And, be encouraged - and prayerful - as brave women and men who are fighting back against attempts to place unborn babies in danger.  

In this case, the volume of words are bad enough.  The Daily Citizen quotes from the President's message:
“Here in the people’s House, it’s our duty to protect all the people’s rights and freedoms,” the president said. “Congress must restore the right the Supreme Court took away last year and codify Roe v. Wade to protect every woman’s constitutional right to choose.

“The Vice President and I are doing everything we can to protect access to reproductive health care and safeguard patient privacy. But already, more than a dozen states are enforcing extreme abortion bans. Make no mistake; if Congress passes a national abortion ban, I will veto it.

Of course, keep in mind that the pro-abortion lawmakers want to do more than merely codify Roe v. Wade, based on the analysis of legislation that has come out of Congress and thankfully, been defeated. 

Sometimes, politicians will say one thing and do something entirely different.  They will "gaslight" you and tell you what you're seeing isn't really occurring.  But, make no mistake, there are influential, powerful people who are devoted to taking the lives of unborn children, devoid of morality, and devious in their means.  And, sometimes, we have to think with our hearts, led by the Spirit, not by our eyes and ears, to know what's really going on.  The rhetoric is bad enough, and can be incredibly persuasive, but also judge by the actions of the people in power. 

The so-called "right" to abortion, which is one that was conjured up from thin air 50 years ago in the Roe decision, was not taken away by Dobbs.  Rather, the right to life was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.  We should always be people who affirm that God-given right.  And, thankfully, there are brave pro-life Christians across America who are standing with the unborn, standing with women and their families in crisis, and standing against attempts to strip that precious right.

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