Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Power for Parents

We see in the Scriptures that our children are gifts from God; and parents have been given that incredible responsibility to raise them, and as it's been said, to release them into the world. Proverbs chapter 22 says:
4 By humility and the fear of the Lord Are riches and honor and life.
5 Thorns and snares are in the way of the perverse; He who guards his soul will be far from them.
6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.

This passage addresses the abundant life that Jesus referred to. But there are prerequisites - we are to be humble and possess the "fear of the Lord."  Parents have the opportunity to instill those attitudes in the hearts of their children.  And to, as verse 5 talks about, guard one's soul. We are living in a day in which ungodly influences are all around us, and you have people who possess views that don't line up with Scripture who are attempting to force those beliefs on the vulnerable - our children. Parents therefore have to make sure they are walking in the role of protector - being aware and taking the necessary steps to shield their children and teach them to reject ungodly ideas.


The Bible instructs parents to teach and train their children in God's principles. And, I believe that means that we should model those standards in our personal behavior. Deuteronomy 6 states:
6 "And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.
7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.
8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

With upheaval all around us, I believe we are seeing a trend in which parents, including Christian parents, are calling for change in the education of their children.  During the pandemic, as virtual learning revealed some of the concerning curriculum that was being taught, parents became more informed, and then energized.  They visited school board meetings and demanded change. Parents went to the polls in November and elected new school board members.  There was legislation passed to uphold parental rights. And, the cry for respect for the rights of parents has progressed.

The topic of school choice is certainly on the table. CBN.com reported on National School Choice Week, which is described as "a nationwide advocacy campaign run annually in January that encourages parents to consider different educational opportunities for their children in addition to traditional public schools, such as charter schools, private schools and homeschooling."

The CBN report said that: "Sen. James Lankford...issued a resolution calling for educational options for students." He stated, "Parents should have the ability to choose a school for their child, based on their child's individual needs, academic goals, and personal religious beliefs..." 

Lankford and Sen. Kevin Cramer introduced a resolution in support of National School Choice Week; Cramer is quoted as saying: "School choice allows parents to make decisions that put their children in the best position to succeed," adding, "Unfortunately, parents across the country have been given the cold shoulder, even equating them to domestic terrorists. Your zip code shouldn't define your quality of education. Our resolution recognizes and protects the parents' freedom to choose the best educational environment for their child's success."

Focus on the Family's Daily Citizen reported that...

...According to the organization SAVE – Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – 12 states have introduced bills in just the past month to strengthen parental rights.

The legislation comes as a recent report in The New York Times of all places recounted several stories of parents being kept in the dark by schools over their children’s decision to “transition.”

The Times reported on a recent story out of Southern California. Jessica Bradshaw found out that her 15-year-old identified as transgender after she viewed his homework assignment bearing a different name.

The article states that:

After inquiring to their school, a counselor told Jessica that the school did not need to inform her of her daughter’s “transition,” nor did the school need her permission to treat her daughter as a son “because the student did not want [her] parents to know.”
And, states are stepping up to uphold parental rights. The Daily Citizen notes that, "At least a dozen states" have legislation that has been introduced or will possibly be introduced that would reinforce parental rights. Some examples:

A proposed bill in South Carolina states that the government “shall not substantially burden the fundamental right of a parent to direct the upbringing, education, health care, and mental health of that parent’s child.”  

A bill has been pre-filed in the Alabama legislature that, according to the Daily Citizen, "prohibits the government from burdening certain fundamental rights of parents."  This comes in addition to language in the bill in Alabama banning gender-changing treatments and surgeries that would prevent schools from teaching material on sex, including homosexuality, to young children, similar to Florida's parental rights bill passed last year. 

Another state where this type of legislation may soon be considered is Minnesota. John Helmberger, CEO of the Minnesota Family Council, stated: “Increasingly, we’re seeing that parental rights are under threat around the country and need to be safeguarded. Minnesota Family Council supports legislation like HF682 to clarify what we already know to be the case: that parents play THE key role in directing the education of their children.”

The article notes:
One of the best ways for elected officials and government leaders to push back against bad school and state policy, is with good policies and laws. It’s heartening that numerous states are moving to protect the right of parents to direct the care and upbringing of their children. Let’s pray and advocate for more states to soon follow suit.
Focus on the Family has published a resource called, Back to School for Parents: A busy parent’s guide to what’s happening in your children’s classrooms and practical steps you can take to protect them.

There are significant responsibilities that have been placed on parents by the Lord; but the good news is that He has provided the resources in order to fulfill that call.  We have the direction of the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit will also give us discernment so that we can know best how to protect children from influences that are not consistent with the principles that we have established in our homes. 

It is astonishing that you have government officials who have decided that they know more than parents and perhaps even know best with regard to the direction of the lives of children. And, there have been way too many instances in which children are fed dangerous ideologies and their parents are not informed. So, parents have to remain involved - and vigilant.  God will provide the boldness necessary in order to ensure that their values are not being disregarded.

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