Friday, February 10, 2023

Leading By God's Strength

God has provided us with His Word and given us access to His wisdom, so that we can live in a way that pleases Him. Ephesians 5 relates:
15 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise,
16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
17 Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

Other translations reference "making the most of every opportunity" in verse 16, where it says, "redeeming the time." We are living in evil days, yet they can be glorious days because God is with us and He is desiring to pour out His Spirit on His people and through His people.  He will manifest His presence as we are willing to yield to the direction of His Spirit.  His love for us can flow through us to a world that needs to see steadfast hope and abundant life.


No matter what season of life in which we find ourselves, we can be faithful to fulfill the call of God on our lives. And, our age does not have to be a barrier. Consider what Paul wrote to Timothy in chapter 4 of 1st Timothy:
12 Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
13 Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.
14 Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership.
15 Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all.

The 57th Super Bowl occurs this Sunday in Glendale, Arizona, and while, as is customary for the professional football championship, there are a number of compelling storylines, I am certainly paying attention to the Christian faith element exhibited by the two quarterbacks.  Two relatively young quarterbacks.

Movieguide published a story recently about the faith of Kansas City Chiefs QB1 Patrick Mahomes and Philadelphia Eagles starting QB Jalen Hurts.  

I would say that more than a few football fans in the state of Alabama are no doubt aware of Mr. Hurts' football talents and even his willingness to proclaim his faith.  This article says:

“I’ve just matured and realized that God is everything, and He’s worthy of praise,” Hurts told CBS Sports in a recent interview. “You have to put Him at the center of everything that you do. That’s what I believe. All my spiritual wisdom — all of my wisdom as a whole — comes from Him, in some way, shape or form, whether that be passed down from my father, my mother, my grandmother. I just think, in all the things that we experience in life — good, bad or indifferent — you have to keep Him in the center.”

Patrick Mahomes related some comments about his faith in a video released by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, saying:

“Before every game, I walk the field and I do a prayer at the goalpost. I just thank God for those opportunities and I thank God for letting me be on a stage where I can glorify Him,” Mahomes said in the FCA video. “The biggest thing that I pray for is that whatever happens, win or lose, success or failure, that I’m glorifying Him.”

As you may be aware, Mr. Mahomes suffered an injury in the divisional round against Jacksonville; he left the field for a few moments, then returned and the following week, led the Chiefs to victory in the AFC Championship. The Movieguide article says:

“I wanna thank God, man. He healed my body this week,” he told CBS’s Tracy Wolfson of the high-ankle injury he suffered in the Chief’s victory over Jacksonville a week prior. “To battle through that, He gave me the strength to be out here.”

Sports Spectrum has followed the faith trajectory of these two young men - a recent article published after the NFC Championship said:

In his postgame press conference, Hurts said that nothing came easy for him or his team, despite their 14-3 regular-season record.

“I’m forever grateful. I’m forever grateful,” he said. “Only God knows the things that each individual on this team has been able to overcome to come together as a team and do something special.”

Later, Hurts referenced the Bible verse John 13:7 and how impactful it has been to him. It’s a verse he’s referenced numerous times before. The verse reads, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”

An article on Mahomes featured his comments from Super Bowl Opening Night:

“My Christian faith plays a role in everything that I do,” he said (video via FSPN). “I always ask God to lead me in the right direction and let me be who I am for His name. So it has a role in everything that I do. Obviously we’ll be on that huge stage in the Super Bowl that He’s given me, and I want to make sure I’m glorifying Him while I do it.”

These are two VERY young men - in their 20's - who have been placed on one of the world's biggest stages. And, rather than squander the opportunity, they are embracing it - certainly on the field and apparently in their personal beliefs. The question for each of us is, no matter what our age, how are we using our opportunities - the connections we have, the skills we have been given, in order to bring glory to Christ?

I would contend that no Christian is too young or too old to be used of God.  From a child learning about Jesus at church and hopefully at home and sharing their faith with their friends to an adult who has sought to grow in the Lord and who has seen God do amazing things, we can be devoted to making an imprint in the lives of people, as God has made the imprint on our hearts.

So, enjoy the Super Bowl on Sunday, no matter who you might be pulling for, and rejoice that you have men who proclaim their faith in Christ. And, we can be inspired to perhaps be better on Monday in allowing our lives to make a bold statement for the Lord.

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