Friday, November 17, 2023


Each day, we generally make a series of decisions. And, the choices we make determine the course of our lives. God desires that, by His wisdom, we will decide to walk in the Spirit and reject the ways of the flesh. Galatians 5 addresses that concept:
13 For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.
14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
15 But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!
16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

The works of the flesh and fruit of the Spirit follow these verses in that chapter.  Choosing to follow the flesh is a path of self-gratification and self-absorption.  Following our selfish desires results in our committing sin against God.  But, He offers us a much, much better way - to walk in the Spirit, to follow the direction of the Holy Spirit in us.  We are free to choose, but by submitting to the Lord, humbling ourselves before Him, we can experience the joy of obedience.


We are directed in the Word of God to serve the Lord by serving others, out of heart that is devoted to following His heart. 1st Peter 4 contains these reminders:
(8) above all things have fervent love for one another, for "love will cover a multitude of sins."
9 Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.
10 As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
11 If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.

This coming Sunday night, Danny Gokey will be in Montgomery for a concert at Vaughn Forest Church, part of the "Stay Strong" tour with Austin French and Natalie Layne. 

Last weekend, on Veteran's Day, Danny was scheduled to be at Black Horse Forge in Virginia.  A Movieguide article says that:

Gokey will be visiting Black Horse Forge on November 11, where “we’re going to surprise them with some state-of-the-art tools that will expand what they are doing, even enabling triple amputees to learn blacksmithing and also bless all of the Veterans that day with a BBQ lunch.”

The article quoted Danny in this paragraph from the article:

“There’s an unbelievable statistic that says 17 veterans commit suicide everyday due to PTSD and depression,” he said in an Instagram post adding in the caption, “But thanks to the activities and camaraderie offered at @blackhorseforge in Fredericksburg, VA, 21,000 veterans have been served, and none have committed suicide!”

Part of his plans included singing a song called, My America, from his album project, called, Brave. The article states:

“I still believe in America,” Gokey told CCM Magazine. “We’re not perfect – we’ve made our mistakes. But I still believe that God has used, and will continue to use, America to do great things. Rather than argue about our differences we can choose to agree on our one major common denominator – freedom. And freedom is worth celebrating.”

The Movieguide article referred to a Christian Post piece about the Brave project, which was released earlier this year.  Gokey is quoted as saying:

“I think everywhere you live, you should celebrate. Every country has a past, but the people that decide where the country goes. So I started writing songs for our country … with the hope of restoring patriotism, the hope of restoring a sense of pride in our country. The United States of America is built on a system of freedom. And not every country has been able to have that. I want just to get a sense of pride in the people to celebrate us again.”

I noticed on Instagram, relative to Danny's visit to Black Horse Forge, there was a hashtag: #betterthanifoundit, which I came to find out is an outreach that Danny has started.  It has an Instagram feed and a website, which stated:

Better Than I Found It, the outreach arm of the nonprofit organization founded by three-time GRAMMY® nominee and American Idol alum Danny Gokey, today announced the initial details surrounding their Better Than I Found It “Bus Stop” give back events during Gokey’s fall events and “Stay Strong” tour with Austin French and Natalie Layne. The give back events will shine the light on and provide tangible resources to hardworking individuals and nonprofits making a positive impact in their communities, including those providing resources for the homeless in Nashville, a widow giving back and battling food insecurity in her community, an organization supporting veterans, and more.
The website noted that Danny's nonprofit had closed, but that, "Fueled by his passion to make a difference, he rose from the ashes of disappointment and gave birth to a new endeavor - Better Than I Found It. A unique nonprofit, its mission to empower other good-hearted individuals and organizations to continue their selfless work, bridging the gap between need and resources." The question was asked, "With a growing number of homeless FAMILIES on the streets of Nashville, there was no shortage of need, why should there be a shortage of resources?"

That can really cause us to think, "with what God has given to us through Jesus, how are we being stewards of the gifts and resources He has given in order to share His message of love through serving others?"  We have to realize that we have been saved for the sake of our eternal souls and that we are called to make a difference in eternity through our service to Jesus.  

And, kudos to Danny for recognizing the contributions of our veterans and seeking to encourage those who are facing difficult time through injuries, both mental, through PTSD, and physical. And, he recognizes the impact of their service - defending a country that was founded on principles consistent with Scripture and devoted to freedom.   

We recognize that, in Jesus, we have the strength to stand and the strength to serve.  God will direct and empower us by His Spirit to do His will.

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