Thursday, November 2, 2023

Keeping Up

Our Heavenly Father showed mercy to us when He sent His only Son into the world, to die a cruel and brutal death, enduring punishment so we would be spared punishment for our sins. We can find the words of Jesus in Luke chapter 6:
36 Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.
37 "Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
38 Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you."

We demonstrate God's mercy by caring for others in the name of Jesus.  We can take what we have been given, what has been entrusted to us by God, and use it in a manner that brings honor to His name. In good economic times or bad, we can recognize that God's principles are sure and consistent - we are to be unselfish with our financial resources; not to give in order to be blessed, but to realize that God blesses obedience and that includes being good stewards of our material possessions.


God gave His only son as a gift to the world, who came to bring us salvation. Out of our appreciation to Him and because of the presence of the Holy Spirit in us, we can have a charitable spirit. 2nd Corinthians 9 addresses that, when it says:
6 But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
7 So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

The Bible speaks clearly to financial principles and there are some universal truths that we can find, beginning with our overall attitude toward our possessions: we regard them as God's possessions first. Then, we can rely on Him to determine how we are to use those.  The Bible speaks of the tithe and of the firstfruits, which show us that we are to be so unselfish with those resources that He has given to us that we are to give back to Him what He already owns - first.

So, even in tough economic times, it is important that we are continuing to maintain our charitable spirit, because the funding of the work of the Church and the work of missions organizations are dependent on the obedience of God's people in the arena of finances.

A new Lifeway Research survey shows that churches are being impacted financially, and that the trend has plateaued over the past couple of years.  According to a survey summary on the organization's website:

A Lifeway Research study of U.S. Protestant pastors found 50% say the current economy is negatively impacting their churches. Meanwhile, 40% say the economic circumstances aren’t having an effect. Fewer than 1 in 10 (8%) say the current economy is a positive factor for their churches.

The summary offers a closer look:

After last year’s decline in economic optimism, today, pastors have similar perceptions of the economy’s impact as in 2022. Last year was the first time since 2016 that more than half of pastors felt the economy was negatively impacting their churches and the first time since 2012 fewer than 10% of pastors expressed belief the economy was positively impacting their churches.

While the summary states that, "churches have maintained stable levels of giving," it notes that those levels are running behind the inflation rate. The summary says:

Around 7 in 10 U.S. Protestant pastors say since the beginning of 2023, giving at their church is at or exceeding budget, with 46% saying giving has been about what was budgeted and 22% saying it’s higher. Three in 10 (30%) say giving is below their 2023 budget.
But, all in all, "When the income experiences of churches are combined, the average church saw an increase of 0.79% in offerings from 2022 to 2023." That does indicate that there is stability there, but, as Lifeway Research Executive Director Scott McConnell notes: “Most churches are not seeing growth in offerings that keep pace with inflation (currently at 3.7% annually according to the Consumer Price Index CPI-U). So, many churches are still cutting spending and giving raises that are smaller than their pastors and staff need.”

And, smaller churches are seemingly bearing the brunt of the overall economic conditions, with "pastors of churches with attendance less than 50 and 50-99 are among the most likely to say offerings have been lower than budgeted this year...and below 2022’s offerings."

This economic news actually points to a mixed blessing - levels of giving to churches has not taken much of a downturn, overall, but when you factor in inflation, those levels are not keeping up with that inflation rate.  Perhaps that means that household expenses are affecting how people support the church - and I would extend that to ministry organizations.  

I think that the Bible teaches and financial experts would perhaps agree that rather than giving our leftovers to the Lord, we are to be giving our firstfruits to Him.  I believe that if we are obedient in giving to Him, then He will bless our financial resources overall, which means that we are placing ourselves in a position in which incredible, supernatural things will happen in our financial lives.  

We can make sure that we are developing a charitable spirit and looking for ways that we can not only serve the local church through our tithes but also to be yielded to the spirit in the use of offerings to bless others.   Our attitude toward our money and our possessions should not be selfish, but focused on doing the will of God with what He has given to us.  I think that tough economic times indicate that there may be a spike in the number of opportunities to sow into the lives of those who are suffering financially. 

And, a note:  Faith Radio is a listener-supported ministry. We depend on God to provide for the financial needs of this ministry, no matter what the financial conditions of our economy.  So, we encourage you to pray and be obedient as He leads.  For almost 40 years, the Lord has been faithful to sustain the ministry of Faith Radio, and we are grateful to Him and for the generosity of our listeners.  So, as we approach year's end, would you please prayerfully consider a much-needed gift in order that God might be glorified as we communicate the message of His truth?  Thank you for listening.  Thank you for praying.  And, thank you for giving!

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