Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Evangelicals For...

In these upside-down times, it seems that you have those who say that Christians should not be actively involved in politics. But, as a Christian, wouldn't you rather have someone who governs from a Biblical perspective than someone who does not? After all, Proverbs 29 tells us:
2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.

In verse 4, we can read:
4 The king establishes the land by justice, But he who receives bribes overthrows it.

Justice involves fairness and right decisions. And, there is a present threat to the ability of Christians to live out their faith.

I would contend that those in the Church who identify as evangelicals are much more than a voting bloc. There has been much analysis of the impact of the so-called "evangelical vote," which I see more as faithful Christians who are letting their voice be heard through their ballot.  And, we have a responsibility to be prayerful and informed in our choices.

David Brody of CBN wrote a piece recently, in which he provided this analysis:

In 2008, Barack Obama received 26% of the White Born Again Evangelical Vote and won. In 2016, Hillary Clinton received 16% of the White Born Again Evangelical Vote and lost. In 2020, Joe Biden received 24% of the White Born Again Evangelical Vote and won. So if Kamala Harris gets 20% or more of the White Born Again Evangelical Vote, Trump could very well lose the General Election to Harris.

So, there is a recognition that even though Donald Trump has won a sizable majority of that vote, if a significant percentage can be flipped, then that could be advantageous to Kamala Harris. 

And her campaign is going after that vote.  There is a new group that has been formed called Evangelicals for Harris.  Last Wednesday, WORLD Magazine published a piece by Denny Burk of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, in which he said:

The organization bills the gathering as an opportunity for Christians to participate in the “community service” of getting the Democratic ticket elected, calling it “a Matthew 25 witness of love of neighbor as our response to the unifying vision of the Harris-Walz ticket. That is what we want Evangelicals for Harris to be known for first.” The group has scheduled an online event, “inviting all Christians and people of good will to please join us for a Zoom call to be encouraged and engaged.”
Burk says that "The group’s website features a page devoted to 'Kamala’s Faith Story,' which is, in fact, a story, although not a Christian one. It includes no mention at all of Jesus Christ or of His death and resurrection for sinners."  But, an ad produced by the group features a clip of Donald Trump saying he doesn't remember ever asking God for forgiveness. 

That ad opens with a short clip of the late Billy Graham presenting an invitation.  This has prompted his son, Franklin to respond.  According to
He wrote on Facebook and X, "The liberals are using anything and everything they can to promote candidate Harris. They even developed a political ad trying to use my father Billy Graham's image to help promote her—or rather to try to make Donald J. Trump look bad. They are trying to mislead people. Maybe they don't know that my father was a firm supporter of President Trump in 2016. He appreciated the conservative values and policies of President Trump, and if he were alive today, my father's views and opinions would not have changed. President Trump isn't perfect—none of us are—but I believe he has changed over the years. This recent assassination attempt has had a huge impact on him—and I thank God that his life was spared."

But Franklin's niece, Jerushah Duford, described by Burk as "LGBTQ-friendly," has joined the Harris camp.  The Christian Post reported: "Jerushah Duford, whose mother Virginia 'Gigi' Graham Tchividjian is Graham's oldest daughter, spoke in a recorded video because she was unable to attend the virtual event, which also included speakers such as former Rep. Adam Kinzinger...and 'public theologian' Ekemini Uwan, who has claimed 'whiteness is wicked' and that churches should pay global reparations to 'people of African descent.'"  

The article says that Duford mentioned "that Micah 6:8 was her grandfather's favorite verse, and that while she does not expect her president to be a Christian, she 'will be watching for my faith leaders [to] support actions that reflect mercy, justice and humility, and for my faith leaders to rebuke actions that are the antithesis of that.'" She added, "Voting Kamala, for me, is so much greater than policies. It's a vote against another four years of faith leaders justifying the actions of a man who destroys the message Jesus came to spread, and that is why I get involved in politics..."

Faith Radio does not endorse or oppose candidates, but my intent is to keep focused on policies. No candidate is perfect, but it is important that we select the candidates who best represent our deeply-held Biblical beliefs.  

There is no shortage of information about what candidates on a national level believe on a variety of issues.  So, I encourage you to be prayerful and informed and honor God by casting a ballot in the upcoming election.  

Troy Miller, President and CEO of National Religious Broadcasters, wrote a piece for The Daily Caller recently that really examines what is a stake for evangelical Christian voters.  He noted:
An estimated seven million evangelicals in swing states alone did not participate in the 2020 presidential election, numbers that might have overturned outcomes up and down the ballot. While evangelicals are more likely than their secular counterparts to vote in elections, an estimated one-third sit on the sidelines.
He chided those on the left who have not extended a "hand of friendship to born-again believers," accusing those of that ideology of "elevating unlimited abortion as the nonnegotiable beating heart of their policy agenda." In addition to the sanctity of life, Miller says, "Evangelical Christians must examine candidates’ records on immigration, pro-family policies, religious freedom, national security, federal spending, economic wellbeing, parental rights, conscience protections, America’s support for Israel and the traditional values we cherish as people of faith. Christian voters should further consider that regulatory overreach as well as fiscal policy and its downstream effects have a major impact on the ability of Christian organizations to operate."

In championing the role of Christian broadcasters, such as Faith Radio, Miller relates:
There is simply no excuse in such a rich media environment to neglect the belt of truth and remain uninformed. Amid the cacophony of voices hostile to your most cherished values, there is an oasis of faith and reason in Christian broadcasting.

In the days to come, on The Meeting House, I will be devoted to providing solid information that can be helpful in preparing for the election.  Again, we are non-partisan, but we are pro-Biblical - I do not believe that Christians should stay on the sidelines regarding politics, because decisions made by governmental officials whom we select affect our lives every day.

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