Thursday, August 8, 2024

Taking the Spiritual Temperature

How do we respond to circumstances seemingly spiraling out of control, beyond our control, that pose threats to our faith? Ephesians 5 has some guidance for us; it says:
15 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise,
16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
17 Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

The Bible has the potential to inform the way we think and chart a course for how we live - and how we view the world around us. 

Coral Ridge Ministries has released its 2024 Spiritual State of the Nation Survey, which, according to its website, is an "informal survey" that is "sent annually to friends and supporters of Coral Ridge Ministries, providing members of the media and elected officials a gauge of the attitudes and opinions of pro-family evangelical Americans."

One question asked was, “What are the three most critical issues facing the new Congress and administration?” Fifty-six percent of respondents named immigration as one of their top three, 33% named American sovereignty, and 32% named abortion. Immigration has consistently been a top concern for Americans in national polls, typically second only to inflation and the economy.

The article goes on to say:

David Closson, director of the Center for Biblical Worldview at Family Research Council, told TWS, “Although polls consistently show that voters are concerned about the state of the economy and the border crisis, I’m not surprised that evangelical voters are still focused on abortion. Overturning Roe was never the ultimate goal of the pro-life movement. The final goal has always been to make abortion illegal and unthinkable.”

Here are some snapshots from the survey:

90% indicated disapproval of schools using so-called "gender pronouns," and 92% said that schools should not "teach sex education that features transgender exploration and surgery..."

To the question, "Do you believe that all U.S. citizens should have freedom of religion and be able to freely express it in public life?, 95% of respondents said, "yes."

100% said that students should have the "right to pray in public school classrooms, at sporting events, and graduation ceremonies..."

And, in response to this question, "Have you experienced verbal or physical abuse or bias because of your faith in Jesus Christ or for your conservative Christian views?," 25% said "yes" and 68% said "no."

It's certainly not surprising that a survey of supporters of an evangelical Christian ministry would relate the types of answers that were gathered here. There is support for sanctity of life, as well as the sanctity of marriage, and Biblical sexuality.  There is overwhelming support for religious freedom, and a concerning number - one-quarter of those surveyed - who have experienced hostility regarding their faith.  And, we should be encouraged that believers are continuing to stand strong on Biblical principles

Christians are also concerned about illegal immigration and economic issues. I submit there is a Biblical component even to these issues, which some might consider non-Biblical.  We live in the real world, and real-world issues affect us.  We have to consider how we as Christians live in light of challenges.  

One thing we have to fight against, though, is discouragement. When you hear high-profile individuals espouse such issues as the unfettered taking of human life through abortion and the support of harming children who are experiencing questions regarding their gender, among other things, we have to be concerned about the direction of our nation and our world.  That is why we must continue to be vigilant and prayerful, taking advantage of openings to share our deeply-held Biblical beliefs

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