Tuesday, August 20, 2024


There is a passage of Scripture in Psalm 101 that powerful addresses protecting our hearts and our homes from influences that are harmful. Faith Radio, as a Christian media network, is devoted to providing high-quality programming that is consistent with the truths of the Word of God. We can read in Psalm 101:
(1) I will sing of mercy and justice; To You, O Lord, I will sing praises.
2 I will behave wisely in a perfect way. Oh, when will You come to me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.
3 I will set nothing wicked before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not cling to me.
4 A perverse heart shall depart from me; I will not know wickedness.

This is National Radio Day, and Faith Radio is pleased to be joining with other radio broadcasters across our land in order to celebrate the reach and power of radio. For the Christian radio broadcaster, we can give God the glory for how He uses this amazing medium to get His message out, and thank Him for 40 years of ministry here at Faith Radio.

In the April Faith Radio Ministry Magazine a few months ago, I put together what I called the "Faith Radio Top 40," which included some information relative to the meaning of radio. I included the findings of Finney Media, which said that people listen to Christian radio for a variety of reasons…Among the top reasons: 
  • It helps you grow spiritually.
  • It helps you worship God throughout the day.
  • You want to be encouraged.
I also noted that Pew Research reports that (over-the-air) radio listenership has been level in 2022 and 2023, with just over 80% of Americans aged 12+ listening “in a given week.”

Faith Radio has an on-air and online reach that is truly amazing. For instance, In the 4th quarter of 2023, according to Google Analytics, people from 92 countries visited the Faith Radio website. Also, in the 4th quarter of last year - October through December, almost 17,000 people accessed Faith Radio streaming through the website or app, with almost 3,700 going through the app. The app has made over 1 million impressions since it launched in 2017.

The National Religious Broadcasters website shared this information back in April:
On April 2, Inside Radio shared new data reflecting the continued steady growth in the Contemporary Christian radio format. The genre is ranked fourth in total station count and first in year-over-year growth, with the highest lift compared to any other radio format at 1.7%.

In addition, the Religion format, which includes Christian talk and teaching, holds second place (behind Country) for overall number of stations and notched an impressive 1.1% year-over-year gain.

Faith Radio encompasses both of those elements, with a combination of Christian music, with an emphasis on Praise and Worship, as well as strong Bible teaching.  

There is a rich history of Christian broadcasting in America, and NRB has been an incredible support since its inception in 1944. Its website notes that NRB formed as a response to one particular network, the Mutual Broadcasting System, which had cut back on its amount of religious programming. The site states, referring to events at that time, "As the threat to Gospel broadcasting deepens, broadcasters decide they need to organize themselves into an effective pressure group that deals officially with radio issues."

While you may be aware that KDKA in Pittsburgh was the first commercial radio station to broadcast.  That was in 1920.  According to NRB, KDKA was also the outlet where the first religious radio program was aired.   Here's a timeline for the early days of Christian radio:
1921 (January 2): First religious broadcast. KDKA airs the Sunday vespers service of Pittsburgh’s Calvary Episcopal Church, presided over by junior associate Rev. Lewis Whittemore.
1921 (November 27): First continuous religious program. Broadcasts begin in New York by the Radio Church of America.
1921 (December 22): First religious station. Church of the Covenant (now National Presbyterian Church), a congregation in Washington, D.C., receives the first broadcast license issued to a religious organization.
1922: First religious broadcaster. Paul Rader is invited by the mayor of Chicago to give a radio address from City Hall, and when response far surpasses expectations, Rader begins a radio ministry.
Faith Radio stands on the shoulders of these pioneers.  And, in the days to come, we will be introducing you to more voices who are devoted to encouraging people in their walk with Jesus Christ.  So, please stay tuned...

We are thankful for how God uses technology to share His message.  We know that radio has a significant reach.  It is a media source that you can listen to in your home and in your vehicle.  You can listen as you carry out daily routines, as you walk or as you run.  

We also celebrate that Christian radio, and Faith Radio in particular, is a relationship ministry. We desire to help you grow in your Christian life.  And, we are grateful to our listeners who interact with us: who listen, pray for us, and support us financially.  It is very affirming to hear from listeners who have deepened their relationship with the Lord through our media ministry.

And, our desire is to be a ministry of reliability, a source of unchanging truth in changing times. The Word of God brings security and stability to our lives, and it is our desire to exalt our God through broadcasting His Word 24/7, expressed through Bible teaching and music.

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