Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Agents of Justice

  From Zephaniah chapter 2    
3 Seek the LORD, all you meek of the earth,
      Who have upheld His justice.
      Seek righteousness, seek humility.
      It may be that you will be hidden
      In the day of the LORD’s anger.

I believe that God's heart is for justice - the Bible is full of references to how a just God will bring His judgment on the earth.   But, we also see how God is a merciful God - He has spared those of us who call upon the name of His Son from eternal punishment.    And, as ambassadors of Christ, I believe that we are called to be agents of justice for those who are oppressed.

Sara Groves and I discussed that the other day on TMH.

She's involved with one of so many social justice ministries - International Justice Mission, who is reaching out to victims of human trafficking and slavery, and other forms of violent oppression.   Christian artists such as Sara and Natalie Grant have reached out to use the platform God has given them to bring justice to the oppressed.

Tom Davis of Children's Hopechest is another person whom God is using to speak out for the oppressed.   In fact, recently, his organizations and others, such as Adventures in Missions, are speaking out on a disturbing situation involving the Son of God orphanage in Haiti, which was closed recently as a result of unsanitary conditions.   The director had been arrested on suspicions of human trafficking.   According to Tom's blog on BeliefNet:

Following the news of relocation for the children at Son of God Orphanage, many relief organization members traveled to Haiti in order to help the children adjust to the transition process. At the completion of the process, official organizations had told relief workers that 39 children had been relocated.

“When we arrived at the girls’ orphanage we found 31 of the girls who were previously at Son of God. We expected that there would be 8 boys at the other orphanage since we were told that 39 children were relocated. We found 9 boys at the other orphanage, and there are still 46 children that are unaccounted for. None of the government organizations involved seem to know where they are,” said an anonymous source on the ground in Haiti.

Efforts continue from locate the missing children, ensure the safety of the relocated children, and push for a full and thorough investigation of anyone involved in the situation.
“Now more than ever it is important that the momentum continues, and the Haitian government hears the truth, finds these missing children, and thoroughly investigates Son of God and possibly over 20 other orphanages abusing innocent children,” said Bob Mudd, COO of Children’s HopeChest.

The organizations continue to call on the global community to sign the petition and distribute to as many people as possible, “Every day that passes lessens our chance of finding these children,” continued Mudd.   The petition and more information can be found at

Here is just one instance that can motivate us to ask God to lead us to people who are oppressed to whom we can bring His love.

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