Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Time to Forgive

We are continuing to watch the amazing progress of the movie, "Courageous", which added theaters this past weekend and has now surpassed the $21 million mark.  It was in the top 10 again this week and out of the top 10 films, it was fifth in per-screen average.  If it continues on its current trajectory, it will no doubt pass the previous Sherwood Pictures film, "Fireproof", and could enter the top 5 of Christian films in history, according to Box Office Mojo.   Those 5 are: 5) Nativity Story, at a modest $37 million, then the 3 Narnia films:  Dawn Treader at #4, Caspian at 3, and the Lion, the Witch, and Wardrobe at #2.     The top Christian film of all time, oh yes, remember it: The Passion of the Christ.

And, it's only fitting that the depiction of our Lord's crucifixion and the circumstances leading up to it should be the most-watched.   And, it was inspired and carried out by the most imperfect of characters, who really needs to experience God's forgiveness - but don't we all?   Mel Gibson, who was told he would never work again in Hollywood after making the blatantly religious film, the same Mel Gibson who gained unwanted attention for his anti-Semitic comments while being pulled over for DUI in 2006.    The same Mel who divorced his wife, then entered into a stormy relationship with another woman, who bore his child.

Mel Gibson is working again - he has appeared in a few films, including his latest, The Beaver.   And, he's reportedly making a movie about the life of Jewish hero Judah Maccabee, whose exploits are celebrated at Hanukkah.   Randall Wallace, who directed Mel in Braveheart and We Were Soldiers divulged that he is in the process of making a film with Mel.   And, from an unlikely source, Robert Downey, Jr., at an awards ceremony last week, called on Hollywood to forgive Mel Gibson.

It's pretty amazing to hear that topic brought up in the entertainment realm - glossing over iniquity, yes; forgiveness - well, not so much!    And, it brings to mind that we are all fallen creatures and don't deserve to be forgiven, but by God's grace and Christ's death of the cross, we can know true forgiveness.

And, we are called to forgive others...Mark 11:25 makes it plain:

25 “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. 26 But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.”[g]

I don't know the condition of Mel Gibson's heart, but I do know the content of Mel Gibson's work on The Passion.  As we reflect on what Jesus did for us on the cross so that we might experience forgiveness and freedom from sin, we can experience that freedom to an even greater degree by letting go of bitter and resentful thoughts and emotions and release the incredible power of God's forgiveness to those who have wronged us.  

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