Wednesday, October 19, 2011

World Series Wonders

Two of the most dominating athletes in all of Major League Baseball AND two of the most outspoken Christians in the sport will be taking the field tonight in St. Louis.

For the home team, the Cardinals, it's Albert Pujols...he writes:

"Over the last decade my life has radically changed. I went from being a kid with a dream in the Dominican Republic, to playing professional baseball, Rookie of the Year, National League MVP, and winning a Gold Glove and World Championship!

What has not changed is my love for Jesus Christ. In the spring of 1998, my soon to be wife, Deidre, began sharing with me the love of Jesus. My most exciting moment came when I asked Jesus Christ to come into my life. If it weren't for Jesus, I would not be where I am today and my life would be without purpose. I've heard kids say they want to be just like me when they grow up. They should know I want to be just like Jesus."

According to CBN:  He feels it’s his duty to share his heart with others around the world.

“If they don’t know the Lord, I encourage them to search for and open their hearts and their eyes. If something happens to me tomorrow, I’m going to go to heaven and that’s for sure because God’s promised to us in the Bible. I want to make sure that those people out there feel the same. At the end of the day as long as I glorify him and those 45,000 people know who I represent out there every time I step out on the field, that’s what it’s about. It’s about representing God.”

And for the Texas Rangers, Josh Hamilton:
Josh accepted Christ during his teen years, but began experimenting with drugs and alcohol following a car accident that almost took his life.  His addictions led to his being suspended from baseball, but his wife, Katie, held on to hope that one day, Josh would play the game again.

According to
"I was watching Katie and her relationship with God strengthen so much -- her leaning on Him and depending on Him when I was doing that to her," he says. "That started sinking in a month or two after I started getting back together and going back to church again."

Josh and Katie reconciled, and with God’s help gave up drugs and alcohol. Then, Josh was baptized.

"Just watching the transformation that God has made in Josh’s life .. I mean it’s just been so awesome and such a gift from the Lord to see what He’s done in him," says Katie.

After three years away from baseball, the league reinstated Josh Hamilton. In spring training 2007, a shock to the baseball world, the Cincinnati Reds added Josh to their roster. A year later, he was traded to the Rangers, and his career took off.

And these days, he won’t even touch alcohol.  He relapsed for one well-publicized night in Phoenix in 2009, which caused him to realize that it was a temptation he did not need to play with.  In fact, he stays away from champagne celebrations to mark the Rangers' success.

"People think there are coincidences in life. There are no coincidences when God’s got a plan. It’s nothing I did except try to make the right choices and let God take over from there. There’s one solid and permanent way out of it, and that’s finding the Lord Jesus Christ and accepting Him."

Here's the song that is played at The Ballpark at Arlington when Josh steps to the plate (Saved the Day - PCD)

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