Friday, February 7, 2014

For The Long Run

Colossians 3 teaches us about seeking to bring glory to God, and marriage is an institution that was ordained by Him in which we can honor Him by honoring one another.
17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
18Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.19Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them.
God has given us the blueprint in His Word for the marriage relationship - we have been called, as it is taught in Genesis and reinforced by Jesus and Paul, to a male-female, one flesh relationship, a union that is strengthened by the power and presence of Christ.  God's intent is for marriages to stay together as they function according to His plan, as men and women love each other and take seriously His call to selflessly enter into a relationship that is built to go the distance.  It's important that we submit our marriages to the authority of God and center our lives on Him, recognizing that our marriages are representations of Jesus and His church, His bride.

In Ephesians 5, we see a passage of Scripture that reinforces the definition of marriage and God's ordaining of the institution of marriage.  It's a passage that was quoted by Jesus in his ministry, and in verse 31, we read:
31"For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh."
Paul goes on to write:32This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.33Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

Valentine's Day is one week from today, and if you haven't thought about how you want to show that you cherish that special person in your life, here's a friendly reminder that it's time to begin thinking about how to do that.

For the married couples among us, this is the opening day of National Marriage Week, and while there is an effort to honor the institution of marriage in the U.S., this is an international effort.  It is now in its 18th year and was begun in the U.K. by Richard and Maria Kane. It has been a collaborative project and has the backing of a number of Christian organizations, according to a report on the Christian Today website. A huge emphasis is given to local events, which is where churches really come into their own running and hosting these and offering support and advice where necessary.

The week also provides churches with opportunities to engage and celebrate with their communities, and to launch other marriage resources and events off the back of it.

The report says that last year one and a half million people attended a Marriage Week event worldwide. This year, the organizers have launched what is called the Big is National Marriage Week's World Record attempt to get the most couples renewing their vows simultaneously.  The organizers call it the BIG Promise because marriage vows are the most long-term and far-reaching promise people ever make.  They are coordinating every venue that wishes to take part in this record attempt. It will be taking place tomorrow - Saturday, February 8th at 5:15pm throughout the U.K.

They explain that, "More than 2/3 of families are headed by a married couple, and we want to draw attention to the tremendous work done by this silent majority...Setting a world record is a practical and tangible way of getting the press to notice and report on the importance of marriage vows at the heart of society – it's a means to an end, not the end itself."

One couple celebrating 50 years of marriage together on the day of the Big Promise are Tom and Doreen Shaw from Sheffield. Taking part in the record attempt they will join with their friends, community and family to reaffirm their vows on their golden wedding anniversary at The Rock Christian Centre in Sheffield.

Says Doreen: "We started out with nothing but our marriage wasn't built on what we had, rather on who we were. Marriage has made us better people I hope. We are so excited to celebrate 50 years together on the same day as the Big Promise."

Speaking of longevity, Worldwide Marriage Encounter announced yesterday the national winners of the 2014 Longest Married Couple Project. They are Harold & Edna Owings of Burbank, CA. The Owings have been married 82 years as of Nov. 24, 2013.

This is the fourth year of this nationwide project. The Owings were married Nov. 24, 1931. They met in 5th grade and Harold would bring Edna candy bars to school. If he thought she was annoyed at him he would give her two candy bars. Harold's dad owned a candy store.

Ron and Judy Pekny, the United States Ecclesial Team for Worldwide Marriage Encounter are quoted in a press release, "What an inspiration Mr. & Owings are to all of us. They made a commitment to each other 82 years ago and they have kept that commitment over these many years. They truly are a sign of hope to us all."

What an inspiration these couples are who have gone the distance, viewing marriage as a long-term commitment rather than a short-term arrangement!   This is so refreshing in a culture where the mindset has drifted from "til death do us part" to "if things get bad, I can always get out".   

What can we do to build our marriages on a firm foundation?   To forge marriages that last?

For one thing, we can be reinforced in the purpose of marriage.   Marriage reflects the union of two people - a man and a woman - to be united together for their mutual benefit, the way it was designed by God, and to produce offspring to whom we pass our faith.  And, the ideal situation is that it would be a union that would last forever.   God is very clear about his distaste for divorce.  Marriage represents the relationship between Christ and His church - His bride.   So, God has a purpose for marriage, and it's important we see that it was His idea and his design.

Also, I think we have to recognize the principles of marriage.  God has given us the capability to operate in a one-flesh relationship, to exercise His love, to view our spouse as His gift to us.  His Word gives us a blueprint for marriage, and if we abide in Christ and abide by His teachings, then we can see that our marriages can endure for the long run.
Finally, as we walk in His love and revere Him and His principles, we can respond from the correct posture in marriage.  Each of us has a Biblical role in the family -  as we humble ourselves before Him and one another, as we walk in love and seek to build one another up, we reflect His will for that special relationship.

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