Friday, February 28, 2014

In God's Pocket

God is calling us to shine in a world that seems to be growing increasingly dark and perhaps more resistant to the message of faith in Jesus Christ.   But, Paul tells us in 2nd Corinthians 4 to keep shining:
6For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.7But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.

God's Word can continue day by day to encourage us not to give up, to keep trusting the Lord even when we see that people just don't believe or behave the way that Scripture teaches.  They need to know the love of Christ, and they need to see it from those who call upon His name.   Even though there is resistance to our message, we can resist the power of the enemy and the worldliness of the culture and demonstrate our dependence on our great and mighty God, whom we love and serve.   So, keep shining, and keep abiding in Christ!

In Philippians 2, the apostle Paul cautions believers in Christ to live in a manner that reflects His light:
14Do all things without complaining and disputing,15that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,16holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.

There's a new survey out from LifeWay Research on the topic of religious liberty, and it shows that pastors are concerned about the state of religious liberty in America.

Seventy percent of those surveyed last September agree with the statement, “Religious liberty is on the decline in America.” Twenty-seven percent disagree. Self-identified evangelical pastors are more likely to agree than mainline pastors, by an 81-to-47 percent margin.

Researchers also asked pastors to respond to this question: “Many Christian leaders have talked about society being in a culture war. Regardless of how you feel about that terminology, how would you explain the current situation?”

59 percent say Christians are losing. 11 percent say the culture war is already lost.  Only 10 percent say Christians are winning the culture war.

Ed Stetzer of LifeWay Research, in a piece for Christianity Today, wrote that, 
I don't use the term "culture war" for several reasons, but I do think there is a growing perception that, if there was such a war, evangelicals are on the losing side and that is now having religious liberty implications.
He told Todd Starnes of Fox News that,
Ten years ago we were talking about who would win the culture war and now we’re talking about how will Christian rights be protected after the culture war...We’ve lost our home field advantage. There are going to be some things that are different.”
Starnes, whose interview with me at NRB was featured on yesterday's radio show, in a piece on the
LifeWay Research survey, quoted Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas. The pastor states: “A religious leader once said, ‘my successor will see the tax exempt status removed from churches and his successor will go to jail...That is probably on the horizon.”

But Todd points out that there are some pockets of resistance – like the town of Greenwood in the Mississippi Delta.

Jim Phillips is the senior pastor of North Greenwood Baptist Church. He said that Greenwood still has a “very high respect for the historical Judeo-Christian ethic.”

He told Starnes, “Every one of my son’s community college football games around the state last season began with a prayer on the loud speaker – in Jesus’ name...Will that eventually be challenged? I suspect so at some point.”

But right now he said “pockets of religious boldness still exist.” But, the pastor is concerned with national trends, saying that Christians have slowly given away their impact on culture by becoming more worldly instead of confronting the culture to become more godly. He says that, “Sadly, Christians have often wimped out and grown silent instead of being bolder for the Gospel...Christians get subdued into thinking they’re not supposed to rise up.”

He sees that his calling is to "keep leading the charge." He said. “As a local pastor, my goal is to keep encouraging my church to seek to raise the bar and not lower it when it comes to confronting culture.”

So, one of the questions for us is whether or not we are residing in a "pocket" of boldness.   In a culture where worldliness might be winning, perhaps we can do what we can do in the place to which God has called us, in order to see godliness grow greater.   One person cannot transform the whole culture, but we can operate in the pocket to which God has called us.  

I believe that a successful operation involves a demonstration of God's holiness in our lives.  I said, "holiness", not "holier than thou", and there is a big difference.   Sometimes we are branded as thinking that we are better or more deserving than everybody else.  We speak up for our "rights", but we may not act "right".  So, God is calling us to live a lifestyle that is rooted in the Word and compelling in our behavior.  It's best for us, because we are right with God, and it's best for those with whom we interact, because we are showing to them that God's way is best.

Also, operating in a pocket of resistance or boldness involves a determination to engage culture.   We could throw up our hands and say the culture war is lost, and Stetzer wrote in 2012 for Baptist Press that we need to be thinking about what it might look like to be the church in a post-culture war society. He said, "...let's all slow down, take a deep breath and do the same thing we did yesterday -- preach the Gospel, love people and engage in God's mission."    We are at war, in a sense, against these trends that run counter to God's principles, but we are certainly not in a war with people, and Christ died for each and every person - that's the central message on which we can focus.  We must try to be absolutely sure that we are reflecting Jesus as we walk through this complicated world.

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