24 And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient,
25 in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth,
26 and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.
Jatau was arrested in May 2022 and was not granted bail until December 2023. She was accused of sharing a video on WhatsApp that condemned the May 2022 killing of college student Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu. Muslim classmates in Sokoto killed Yakubu for telling people about Jesus Christ. They then burned her body.Those news outlets are Christian Daily International and Morning Star News.
Angry Muslims not only said Jatau was responsible for the condemning video being shared, but they also attacked Evangelical Church Winning All in Warji while Jatau was worshipping there, the news outlets state.
“No person should be punished for peaceful expression, and we are grateful that Rhoda Jatau has been fully acquitted. But Rhoda should never have been arrested in the first place. We will continue to seek justice for Christians and other religious minorities in Nigeria who are unjustly imprisoned and plagued by the draconian blasphemy laws.”
Certainly this story provides a cause for rejoicing - when our fellow believers are unjustly persecuted and they receive justice, we can give glory to God for His faithfulness. We can also be very glad that God has placed advocates who stand with persecuted Christians - from organizations such as Voice of the Martyrs, Global Christian Relief, Open Doors, and others, to legal groups such as ADF International, there are those who are speaking boldly on behalf of believers.
We can also be reminded to pray for the persecuted Church. Rhoda Jatau faced opposition individually and her church was attacked. Nigeria, which as The Alabama Baptist pointed out, is #7 on the World Watch List of leading persecutors of Christians. There are laws on the books in some countries that are especially hostile toward Christians, accusing them of blasphemy for sharing their faith perspective. We can stand for justice and for freedom of religion. And, on this Presidents Day, we can pray for our President, that he will be bold to advocate for the persecuted. We can also reflect on the contributions of American Presidents throughout the years who have championed the cause of freedom, including the freedom to practice their faith without hindrance.
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