18 "Come now, and let us reason together," Says the Lord, "Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool.
19 If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land;
20 But if you refuse and rebel, You shall be devoured by the sword"; For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
But then Chris Beck came back. He found healing in Jesus for the childhood traumas that plagued him behind the public’s eye and led him to “destroy” his life.
“It was a mistake. It wasn’t right,” he says on Shawn Ryan’s podcast. “It’s something that never should have happened. I’m not a female, was never a female. A male can’t be a female.”
His comments mark a stark contrast with declarations on CNN in 2012: “No one ever met the real me. I would put nail polish on. I could have, you know, a pair of my sister’s shoes on,” Beck said. “It was like a reset; it was like a vacation for me. So I had my vacation away from Chris.”
Aside from the childhood traumas, he sustained PTSD and traumatic brain injury. Through the Veterans Administration, he was prescribed opioids and antidepressants.
He encountered "gender dysphoria."
He seemed to be a model SEAL - the article says: "At SEALs, he gave, in his own words, 150% all the time, earning wide respect and sometimes resentment. He participated in seven combat deployments and six non-combat deployments. He fought in Afghanistan and Iraq, often using cutting-edge technology in new ways that led to new strategies (such as aiming mortars with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to see forward targets). His nickname: Caveman." Back issues became a catalyst for Chris to be involved in technology for the military.Retirement presented the opportunity for him to explore things he’d denied himself, so he would not run afoul of military doctrine. At the time, the military adhered to the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy for homosexuals and other paraphilia.But, the psychologist seems to have not helped Chris; he recommended that he write a book about his experiences. Chris also attempted to change his appearance through treatments and surgeries. As Chris became more well-known, his inner life was a mess. He decided to reject the trans lifestyle. God Reports states:
The combination of all factors was the cocktail for him to try transgender, but the decisive blow was a VA psychologist who was supposed to help him. Recommended by a combat buddy, the psychologist had impressive credentials and had helped others with PTSD.
He had two divorces. He got frozen out of Pentagon development projects and consultation. He let his contracts slide. He went from a high-flying lifestyle to unemployment.
He started studying to earn a master’s degree in mental health – to help fellow veterans and to help himself. But he became disillusioned when he realized that psychology had been taken over by woke ideology.
The article says:
He found God. “I wear the armor of God,” he says. “I wake up every morning, I read my Bible for an hour. We are created in the image of God. This body that I have was given by the grace of God. I think we need to stop all this damage.”
And, he warns parents about taking their children to drag performances, saying: “If you’re a parent bringing your kids to these drag shows, you’re messing you kid up...You think you’re being all compassionate to the drag queens… They’re giving kids the same pharmaceutical they used to give to pedophiles in prisons to chemically castrate them. That’s criminal.”
Chris tried to become Kristin, and he has rediscovered whom God has made him to be. The presence of Jesus can provide stability for our hearts and minds and enables us to stand against the misguided ideas of this world. A penalty for rejecting His ways is instability, and when you have people who have embraced unstable, unreliable ideologies, the consequences for our society are dire.
We can look to God to show us who we really are - we should never try to be someone or something else, but content within our own skin, people created in the image of God. We can reject the notion, and teach our kids to reject it as well, that we were born in the wrong body or someone "assigned" us the wrong gender. And, when we chase unfounded ideas, we can return to the timeless truths of the Scriptures, upon which we can build our lives.
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