Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Freed Up

Davos is a place in Switzerland that once a year becomes a playground for the world's elites, people who are determined to tell the people of the world what's good for them. It's a globalist party, full of the unaccountable and those who are unconcerned about the right things. Davos represents the setup for a one-world government and powerful leader that is described in Daniel 8:
23 "And in the latter time of their kingdom, When the transgressors have reached their fullness, A king shall arise, Having fierce features, Who understands sinister schemes.
24 His power shall be mighty, but not by his own power; He shall destroy fearfully, And shall prosper and thrive; He shall destroy the mighty, and also the holy people.
25 "Through his cunning He shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule; And he shall exalt himself in his heart. He shall destroy many in their prosperity. He shall even rise against the Prince of princes; But he shall be broken without human means.

So, into Davos comes the new American President - even though he has enormous wealth, he doesn't quite seem to fit with the globalist titans.  His slogan is, "America First." You might say that he's the anti-globalist.  And, he had some choice words for some who control the flow of financial wealth. reported on the festivities.  It stated: 
As CBN News has reported, an increasing number of Christian leaders and conservative groups say their accounts have been closed in recent years, payment processors turned off, or have been placed on a donor "blacklist," by some of the nation's top lenders.

I have reported to you about the ability of some to participate in financial activities because of...ideology.  And, President Trump called out that practice - to those gathered at Davos, where those who desire to control the flow of resources in our world gathered.  CBN noted:

Trump took a moment during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland to blast CEO Brian Moynihan, of Bank of America, and CEO Jamie Dimon, of Chase, over "woke capitalism."

"I hope you start opening your bank to conservatives because many conservatives complain that the banks are not allowing them to do business within the bank," he said via videolink from Washington, D.C. "They don't take conservative business."

The president was responding to a question from Moynihan on his latest executive orders and the US economy.

The article noted that former U.S. Ambassador for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback was among those who experienced a practice that has been called "de-banking."  CBN said that Brownback, "...chairman of The National Committee for Religious Freedom (NCRF) said in 2022" that Chase "decided to 'end their relationship' with his group and closed the account after only three weeks."  Brownback related:

"When our executive director called to see if this was an error, he was informed that 'a note in the file read that Chase employees were not permitted to provide any further clarifying information to the customer,'" he explained.

"Why the cancellation? Why the secrecy and lack of transparency? Why was Chase hiding its reasons and intentions for closing the account of a client that seeks to serve the public good and defend religious freedom for every person in America," Brownback questioned.

As CBN noted:

Last year, a House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government was given a report from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue and Global Disinformation Index titled "Bankrolling Bigotry: An Overview of the Online Funding Strategies of American Hate Groups."

The list "draws a false equivalency between certain conservative civil society groups and the American Nazi Party and the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, suggesting FinCEN views them equally," said the House Select Subcommittee.

FinCEN stands for "Financial Crimes Enforcement Network."

Business Insider reported that:

State attorneys general in 2024 alleged major banks canceled accounts of people with conservative views. Last April, Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach accused Bank of America of canceling accounts of gun manufacturers, Immigration and Customs Enforcement contractors, and Christian ministry groups.

"Bank of America's practice of cancelling the bank accounts of conservatives and even turning over information about customer's purchases to federal law enforcement undermines free speech, religious freedom and the right to privacy," Kobach said in the letter. "It's discriminatory and likely illegal. As state attorneys general, we will vigorously defend the constitutional rights of all Americans when they are threatened by big business."

Also, in his speech via teleconference to the Davos attendees, the President encouraged investment in America, and highlighted his commitment to freedom, stating, according to the White House website:

I’m pleased to report that America is also a free nation once again. On day one, I signed an executive order to stop all government censorship. No longer will our government label the speech of our own citizens as misinformation or disinformation, which are the favorite words of censors and those who wish to stop the free exchange of ideas and, frankly, progress. We have saved free speech in America, and we’ve saved it strongly.

With another historic executive order this week, I also ended the weaponization of law enforcement against the American people — and, frankly, against politicians — and restored the fair, equal, and impartial rule of law.

To those who desire to control and manipulate financial factors in this world, this dose of freedom talk might be a bit jarring.  But, for Christians, if there is follow through, the restrictions and harassment that some people of faith have experienced over the past few years has the potential to open doors for us to share our faith boldly.  We have to take advantage of the opportunities that may occur

But, we recognize that there are powerful forces who want to silence the voice of the Church. Some are elected, some are appointed, others have acquired power and control through worldly wealth and influence.  So, we recognize that the teachings of Scripture do not comport with the philosophies of this world.  We can be strong in the Lord and rely on Him to lead us into His truth.

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