Friday, January 27, 2012

Ears to Hear, Lips to Sing

A familiar, but compelling passage from Jeremiah 29:
11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

USA Today has this account of last night's "American Idol" auditions from the Houston/Galveston area:

Ramiro Garcia was born with no ears. Doctors told his parents that he wouldn't be able to hear or speak. But surgeries that started when he was 4 revealed that he had inner-ear workings. Today, he's a worship minister in Houston.

He auditions with Chris Tomlin's rewrite of Amazing Grace, called Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone). And the judges are wowed.

"I guess we're taking a leap of faith with you today," Jennifer tells him.
Not only does Ramiro have an incredible testimony of God's greatness, which was acknowledged and even showcased last night in the Idol show, but the guy can sing.   After all, he leads worship at America's largest church.  And, there was such a "God-moment" - the simple, but profound lyrics of "Amazing Grace", the seriousness that the playful and sometimes raunchy Steven Tyler displayed, the heartfelt meditation of Randy Jackson, and JLo's comments about taking a leap of faith.   I think it really shows that when God shows up, His presence has the power to transform a place!!   And, perhaps the millions who were watching were touched, as well.   The power of a simple "God-moment" can bring a greater awareness of His truth and His love - witness the Google-fest of John 3:16 when Tim Tebow passed for that number of yards and Focus on the Family followed it up with their 30-second commercial in the next game.   Never discount or minimize the power of God in express His love and His presence.

Check out the video:

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