Wednesday, January 25, 2012


There is good news from God's Word in Colossians chapter 1:
13 For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

They were merely visiting some sites in northern Somalia, doing some humanitarian work - as we know, Somalia is a dangerous place, a frontier where war lords and pirates vie for control.   And, foreigners are not treated hospitalibly - take American Jessica Buchanan and Danish worker Poul Thisted, who were captured back in October.   Well, this past Monday night, the President authorized elite Navy SEALS to be part of a daring rescue effort, as special forces in helicopters penetrated the place where 9 gunman were holding the duo.  They drew fire and explosives were present, but the mission was completed - a breathtaking attempt by our military forces to rescue the hostages.

Oh, and a little information about Jessica:
She is 32 years old and was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. She graduated from Valley Forge Christian College in Phoenixville, Pa., in 2007. She was a student teacher in Africa before graduating.  The president of the school said that, "She fell in love with Africa...She was so anxious to get back.”

Her home church, the York Cavalry Temple Assembly of God, put out a message during her captivity that combined her devotion and determination.

"Please pray for Jessica and her family. She is a former student at Valley Forge Christian college and she sold all she owned to become a missionary in Somalia. Pray for her safe keeping and safe return," the church said.   

Indeed, her rescue was an answer to prayer.

I thought of our troops going into a largely lawless region - in Somalia - to save 2 lives.   And, it reminded me that we as believers in Christ have been rescued from the bondage of sin, through which the enemy of our souls held us hostage.   He came to earth - a place that was under the power of sin and death, a fallen world - and Jesus submitted Himself to death so that we might was a dramatic rescue effort, but it was necessary because God wanted to redeem us, to bring humanity back into fellowship with Him.    Jesus defeated that power of sin and death, making it possible for each of us to be released from our bondage, and giving us the ability to live the Christian life as we fellowship with His Spirit.   Thank God!   He has rescued us.

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