Tuesday, January 31, 2012

When I Look at the Heavens...

Psalm 8:  3 When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained, 4 What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him?  I thought about that Scripture last night after I read a tweet by Louie Giglio and went outside to gaze at the western horizon and see not only a crescent moon, but a bright body underneath, identified as the planet Jupiter.   In fact, the stars just seemed unusually bright last night - a clear, crisp night to enjoy the beauty of creation.   Today, I was reflecting on this enormous God, great and mighty, who created the universe - the stars and the galaxies, the heavens and earth.  
In his new book, Indescribable, written with Matt Redman, Louie says:
“The glorious darkness that so accentuates the lights of heaven lifts us upward and draws us into its chorus. The longer we look up, the freer we become, lost in the wonder and mystery that surrounds us, lost in praise of the One who set each star in place.”
Every star, the wonders that we behold - crafted by a magnificent, and orderly God...and He has placed earth strategically in the midst of it, with the unique capability of sustaining life.   From Answers in Genesis, we read:
  • Ratio of electron to proton mass (1:1836)...if this was larger or smaller, molecules could not form.
  • Electromagnetic and gravitational forces are finely tuned, so the right kind of star can be stable.
  • Our sun is the right colour. If it was redder or bluer, photosynthetic response would be weaker.
  • Our sun is also the right mass. If it was larger, its brightness would change too quickly and there would be too much high energy radiation. If it was smaller, the range of planetary distances able to support life would be too narrow; the right distance would be so close to the star that tidal forces would disrupt the planet’s rotational period. UV radiation would also be inadequate for photosynthesis.
  • The earth’s distance from the sun is crucial for a stable water cycle. Too far away, and most water would freeze; too close and most water would boil.
  • The earth’s gravity, axial tilt, rotation period, magnetic field, crust thickness, oxygen/nitrogen ratio, carbon dioxide, water vapour and ozone levels are just right.

There is so much evidence of design in our universe, and random chance processes, embraced by the evolutionists, are incapable of explaining them.   The heavens tell an amazing story of a great God who, by His power, in His wisdom, made the universe, and created you and me, knowing each of us by name, and who sent His Son to redeem us and bring us into fellowship with Himself. 

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